DGFT Public Notices 2000-2001)

Public Notice No    Date Subject
64(RE-2000) /1997-2002 16.3.2001 Quantitative ceiling on export of Coarse grains for the licensing year 2000-2001
63(RE-2000) /1997-2002 15.3.2001 Amendments/Additions  in DEPB Rate List
62(RE-2000) /1997-2002 14.3.2001 Export of wheat
61(RE-2000) /1997-2002 13.3.2001 Quantitative ceiling on export of Coarse grains  for  the licensing year 2000-2001
60(RE-2000) /1997-2002 2.3.2001 Change in Territorial Jurisdiction and DEPB rates amendment
59(RE-2000) /1997-2002 2.3.2001 SION
58(RE-2000) /1997-2002 26.2.2001 IEC for Individuals/Charitable Institutions/ Registered NGOs
57(RE-2000) /1997-2002 20.2.2001 Corrigendum to Public Notice No. 53 (RE-2001)/1997-2002 dt. 01.02.2001
56(RE-2000) /1997-2002 16.2.2001 Export of wheat
55(RE-2000) /1997-2002 16.2.2001 Various amendments to HB and DEPB tates
54(RE-2000) /1997-2002 7.2.2001 Various reliefs granted by DGFT for the units located in the areas affected by earthquake in the State of Gujarat. 
53(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.2.2001 SION additions and amendments
52(RE-2000) /1997-2002 9.1.2001 DEPB– Credit Rate for Durg Formulations and Rubber Parts Amended
51(RE-2000) /1997-2002 2.1.2001 Cotton Yarn Export Ceiling for 2001
50(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.1.2001  Various ammendments to HB
49(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.1.2001 Input-Output Norms Further Added/Amended
48(RE-2000) /1997-2002 15.12.2000 Export of wheat
47(RE-2000) /1997-2002 13.12.2000 Various amendments to HB
46(RE-2000) /1997-2002 11.12.2000 UN location codes
45(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.12.2000 Import of seconds/defectives of steel items shall be allowed only through  customs sea port  at Mumbai, Chennai and CalcuttA ONLY
44(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.12.2000 Rupee deposits from Indian Importers under Direct payment/ letter of Commitment Procedure in respect of imports financed out of External Assitance;Interest payable by Importers in respect of imports made under the Direct payment/ Letter of Commitment procedure against foreign Loans/ Credits/ Grants to Government of India
43(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.12.2000 Import of furnace oil
42(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.12.2000 SION 
41(RE-2000) /1997-2002 3.11.2000 Export/Import to/from Iraq
40(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.11.2000 HB of Procedures Amended in chapters related to  Gem & Jewellery, Private/Public Bonded Warehouses
39(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.11.2000 HB of Procedures Amended on DEEC,DEPB,Deemed Exports and new DEPB rates
38(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.11.2000 Standard input output norms
37(RE-2000) /1997-2002 09.10.2000 SEZ Units– Guidelines for Establishment
36(RE-2000) /1997-2002 3.10.2000 Standard Input Output Norms
35(RE-2000) /1997-2002 29.9.2000 Amendments to HB
34(RE-2000) /1997-2002 15.9.2000 Deemed export benefits for Eastern Region System Coordination and Control (ERSC&C) Transmission Project under Paragraph 10.2(d) of the EXIM Policy.
33(RE-2000) /1997-2002 15.9.2000 DEPB rate list ammendments
32(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.9.2000 SION- Added/Modified
31(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.9.2000 Advance Licence Applications can be Filed Electronically by All. Licence to EH/TH etc, Green Card Holders within 24 hrs/within 3 days to others
30(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.9.2000 Export of Wheat and Wheat Products– 20 Lakh MTs allowed in 2000-01
29(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.9.2000 Issuance of duplicate Green Card
Re-fixation of average export obligation in EPCG Ammendments in Deemed Exports , DEPB, EOU/EPZ
28(RE-2000) /1997-2002
27(RE-2000) /1997-2002 3.8.2000 (Amendments in HB and DEPB rates)
26(RE-2000) /1997-2002 3.8.2000 No minimum value addition required
25(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.8.2000 Standard Input Output Norms
24(RE-2000) /1997-2002 25.7.2000 Codes of Sea Ports/Air Ports/ICDs
23(RE-2000) /1997-2002 24.7.2000 various amendments to H.B
22(RE-2000) /1997-2002 20.7.2000 Sale  of Tea by EOUs
21(RE-2000) /1997-2002 17.7.2000 Export of Ephedrine and its Salts/Pseudoephedrine and its Salts-Conditions
20(RE-2000) /1997-2002 6.7.2000 Export of bones & products od bones
19(RE-2000) /1997-2002 3.7.2000 SION
18(RE-2000) /1997-2002 30.6.2000 Import of vehicles by  Charitable/Missionary/Religious Institutions
17(RE-2000) /1997-2002 30.6.2000 Pre allotted IEC Numbers for Specified categories-No need to take seperate IEC by these people
16(RE-2000) /1997-2002 30.6.2000 Ammendments to DEPB rates
15(RE-2000) /1997-2002 14.6.2000 Ammendments to HB
14(RE-2000) /1997-2002 8.6.2000 DEPB Rates and Cap values
13(RE-2000) /1997-2002 7.6.2000 SION
12(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.6.2000 SION 
11(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.6.2000 Ammendments to DEPB rates & HB
10(RE-2000) /1997-2002 22.5.2000 Ammendments to Hand Book.
9(RE-2000) /1997-2002 1.5.2000 SION- New Norms and Ammendments
8(RE-2000) /1997-2002 28.4.2000 Last date for IEC Extended upto 30.6.2000
7(RE-2000) /1997-2002 19.4.2000

Procedure & Form for Brand Approval by Inter-Ministerial Committee Prescribed
Diamond Dollar Discount - Bank's Certificate on Diamond Sold

6(RE-2000) /1997-2002 7.4.2000 Various amendments to H.B
5(RE-2000) /1997-2002 4.4.2000 DEPB rates amended
3(RE-2000) /1997-2002 31.3.2000  Import Of cars