Public Notice  No.28(RE-2000) 1997-2002 Dated 14th August, 2000
Export of 10 lakh MT of Sugar

 Attention is invited to the entry at Code No.1701 of Schedule 2 Table – B and Sl.No.25 of Schedule 2 Appendix-1 of the book titled “ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import items 1997-2002” specifying the terms and conditions for export of items indicated therein. 

2.  In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 4.11 of the Export & Import Policy 1997-2002, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby specifies the quantitative ceiling on export of Sugar for the licensing year 2000-2001. 

3.  It has been decided to fix the quantitative ceiling on export of Sugar at 10 lakh  MTs for the licensing year 2000-2001, and to place the same at the disposal of Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority ( APEDA ) for the purpose of issuing Registration-cum-allocation Certificates (RCACs). 

4.       This issues in public interest.
