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PUBLIC NOTICE  NO. 57   (RE-2004)/2002-2007  Dated :31st March , 2004
Amendment in the Handbook of Procedure Vol. I


In exercise of powers conferred under Paragraph 2.4 of the Export and Import Policy 2002-2007, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments in Handbook of Procedures (Vol. I):


1.      A sub paragraph is added at the end of  the first sub paragraph of Paragraph 3.2 pertaining to the “Application for Grant of Status” as under:


However in case of application for renewal of the Status Holder certificates (including Golden Status Certificate) expiring on 31.03.2004, the last date for filing of application would be 31st October, 2004.  The application for renewal would be filed in Appendix 17 or 17A as the case may be. The Status Holder status also stands automatically renewed from 01.04.2004 till the date of allotment of the renewed status holder certificate for applicants who are eligible for renewal of status certificate and have made the application accordingly.


2.      A new paragraph 3.18(k) pertaining to “Duty Free Credit Entitlement for Service Providers” is added as under:


(k)        All the applicants under this scheme who are hotels ( 1 star and above, heritage hotels) and stand alone restaurants would ensure that they pass on the entire benefit of the duty free credit entitlement to the consumer . This would be confirmed by the submission of an affidavit as per Annexure 1 to Appendix 36 B pertaining to the “Statement of Utilization of Duty Free Credit Entitlement  for Status Providers” which can be verified by the licencing authority.


3.         Paragraph 4.24A(h) stands deleted.           


4.      An Annexure 1 to Appendix 9 pertaining to the “Chartered Engineers Certificate for certifying nexus of capital goods vis-ŕ-vis exports made under the  EPCG Scheme” is attached to this Public Notice. 


5.      An Annexure 1 to Appendix 36 B pertaining to the “Statement of Utilization of Duty Free Credit Entitlement  for Status Providers” is attached to this Public Notice.


This issues in Public Interest.




            (L. MANSINGH)




Annexure-I to Appendix-9



(To be furnished on the letterhead of the Chartered Engineer)





I have examined the applicant firm’s/company’s import requirement for the capital goods w.r.t their nexus with the export product undertaken by the firm/company mentioned in Col.4 of Appendix 9 and with reference to their endorsement in SSI/Industrial Licence/IEM, having regard to proper use of the machine for the product to be exported, I hereby certify that the capital goods proposed to be imported by the licensee   M/s. __________________________ under EPCG scheme is required for the Export products at pre-production/production/ post production stage as per the details given below:-


Name of the capital good  (s)            :


Quantity required with                  :    

justification thereof                


Export products to be                   :



End use of CG for export              :

product and the stage where

and how to be used

(Additional sheet, if required,

may be attached)


Stepwise process/flow chart          :


Signature & Seal  of Chartered Engineer

Alongwith Registration Number


Annexure I to Appendix 36 B


Affidavit to be submitted by the applicants who are hotels (1 star and above, heritage hotels) and stand alone restaurants.


1.                I/ We verify that our hotel/ restaurant has passed on the benefit of the duty free credit entitlement to the consumer who has availed of the services in our establishment.

2.                The pricing of our products prior and post availment of the duty free credit entitlement for service providers was as under:


Date of availment of Duty Free Credit Entitlement for Service Providers : _________



Service/ Product served/ provided

Price per unit quantity prior to availment of DFEC

Price per unit quantity after availment of DFEC


















(Note: In the case of services offered by restaurants (either standalone or part of the main hotel), menu cards prior to and after the date of availment of the Duty Free Credit Entitlement for Service Providers duly authenticated by the Manager/ Incharge can be enclosed in lieu of this table)


3.                I/We further certify that I/We am/are authorised to verify and sign the statement on behalf of the applicant.


4.                I/We fully understand that any information furnished in the above statement, if proved incorrect or false, will render me/us liable to face any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.







Name in Block Letters









Date .........           Full Official Address



Residential Address



E.Mail address




            Stamp/ Seal




I/We hereby confirm that I/We have examined the  relevant records of M/s................. for  the  validity period of Duty Free Credit Entitlement Certificate ............ and hereby certify that:


M/s............................... (Name and address of the applicant) who is a service provider under the category .......... at S.No. ......... of Appendix-36 have made imports under the Duty Free Credit Entitlement Certificate and has passed on the entire benefits as per details given in S.No 2 of this Appendix.



It has been ensured that the information furnished is true and correct in all respect; no part of it is false or misleading and no relevant information has been concealed or withheld;


I/we fully understand that any statement made in this annexure, if proved incorrect or false, will render me/us liable to face any penal action or other consequences as may be prescribed in law or otherwise warranted.


(* Strike out whichever are not applicable)



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Regn. No. and Date of the

Corporate Membership..........