No. 147/16/2011 – Service Tax
F. No. 137/57/2011 – Service Tax
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Excise & Customs)
New Delhi, 21st October 2011
Commissioners of Central Excise & Customs (All)
Commissioners of Central Excise (All)
General of Central Excise Intelligence
General of Audit & DGST
of Service Tax (All)
Subject: Commercial
construction/infrastructure development projects of road, airports, dams,
tunnels etc, – levy of service tax on various service providers engaged /
associated with such construction work – regarding;
Reference is invited to
the Circular No. 138/07/2011 – Service Tax dated 06.05.2011 wherein it was
clarified that the services provided by the subcontractors / consultants
and other service providers to the Works Contract Service (WCS) provider in
respect of construction of Dams, Tunnels, Road, Bridges etc. are classifiable
as per Section 65 A of the Finance Act, 1994 under respective sub clauses (105)
of Section 65 of the Finance Act and are chargeable to service tax accordingly.
Clarification has been requested as to whether the exemption available to the
Works Contract Service providers in respect of projects involving construction
of roads, airports, railways, transport terminals, bridges, tunnels, dams etc.,
is also available to the sub-contractors who provide Works Contract Service to
these main contractors in relation to those very projects.
2. The matter has been
examined. Vide the circular referred
above, it was clarified that when the service provider is providing WCS
service in respect of projects
involving construction of roads, airports, railways, transport terminals,
bridges, tunnels, dams etc. and he in
turn is receiving various services like Architect service, Consulting
Engineer service, Construction of complex, Design service, Erection
Commissioning or installation, Management, maintenance or repair etc., which
are used by him in providing output service, then while exemption is available to
the main contractor (as per Section 65 (zzzza) of the
Finance Act) , as regards the services provided by its subcontractors, the same
are distinctly classifiable under the respective sub-clauses of section 65
(105) of the Finance Act, as per their description and that their taxability
shall be decided accordingly. It is thus
apparent that just because the main contractor is providing the WCS service in
respect of projects involving construction of roads, airports, railways,
transport terminals, bridges, tunnels, dams etc., it would not automatically
lead to the classification of services being provided by the sub-contractor to
the contractor as WCS. Rather, the classification would have to be independently
done as per the rules and the taxability would get decided accordingly.
However, it is also apparent that in
case the services provided by the sub-contractors to the main contractor are
independently classifiable under WCS, then they too will get the benefit of
exemption so long as they are in relation to the infrastructure projects
mentioned above. Thus, it may happen that the main infrastructure projects
of execution of works contract in respect of roads, airports, railways,
transport terminals, bridges tunnels and dams, is sub-divided into several sub-projects
and each such sub-project is assigned by the main contractor to the various
sub-contractors. In such cases, if the sub-contractors are providing works
contract service to the main contractor for completion of the main contract,
then service tax is obviously not leviable on the works contract service
provided by such sub-contractor.
It is hoped that this clarifies the statutory position. The Circular may
please be widely disseminated to the trade and field formations.
Yours faithfully
Director (Service Tax)
CBEC, New Delhi