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DGFT NOTIFICATION NO. 31/2004-09, dated 02.04.2005
Amendments in the Chapter I A (General Notes to Import Policy) - Tea

S.O. (E) - In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy – 2004-09 , the Central Government hereby amends the ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items 2004-09 as under:

1. Condition 8 of Chapter I A (General Notes to Import Policy) of schedule -1 (Imports) to the ITC (HS) Classifications of Export and Import items 2004-2009 shall be amended to read as under:

“Import of all such edible/food products including tea, domestic sale and manufacture of which are governed by Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954, shall be subject to all the conditions laid down in the aforesaid Act. Import of all these products will have to comply with the quality and packaging requirements as laid down in the Act. Compliance of these conditions is to be ensured before allowing customs clearance of the consignment.”

2. This issues in public interest.

(K.T. Chacko)
Director General of Foreign Trade
And Ex-Officio Additional Secretary to the Govt. of India

(Issued from File No.01/93/180/M -31/AM05/PC-1.A)