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NOTIFICATION NO.11 (RE-2004) / 2004-2009 dated 16TH DECEMBER, 2004 
Amendments in Appendix 3 to Schedule 2 (Export Policy) of the ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2004-09 notified under Notification No. 2 dated 31.8.2004


S.O. (E) In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992) read with Paragraphs 1.2, 2.1, 2.4 and 2.9 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-2009, the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments in Appendix 3 to Schedule 2 (Export Policy) of the ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2004-2009 notified under Notification No.2 dated 31.8.2004 : -


(i)     The following entries may be added in category 3 D after entry 3 D 003


3 D 004: Equipment related to P3, P4 facilities such as protective suits and class III safety cabinets.


3 D 005: Complete containment facilities at P3, P4, containment level as specified in the WHO biosafety manual.


(ii)    The description of entry at 5 F may be amended to read as follows


Existing entry

5 F “Micro-light Aircraft and powered hang-gliders”.


Amended entry

5 F “Micro-light Aircraft and powered hang-gliders and their parts”. 


2.     This issue in Public Interest. 


Director General of Foreign Trade

and Ex-officio Additional Secretary to the Government of India