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Premier portal on EXIM matters
Circular No-31/2005 dated 25.7.2005
Containers/cargo—Movement of containers and containerised cargo — Instructions-
Presently, the Containers which are of durable
nature and intended to be imported temporarily are exempt from the levy of
Customs duties in terms of Notification No. 104/94-Customs, dated 16th March,
1994 subject to the condition of re-export within a period of six months from
the date of importation and subject to other conditions specified in the
notification. As per the existing practice, the clearance of containers whether
empty or loaded, intended for temporary admission, is to be allowed without
requirement of filing a formal Bill of Entry for each container separately. The
party concerned should intimate the Customs the number and identification
particulars of the containers to be moved outside the customs area. The Bond for
such movement could be either for a specific individual consignment of
containers or a general Bond covering a larger number of containers, as
requested by the party.
2. It has come to the knowledge of the Board that different types of bond with
divergent practices are being followed by the field formations. The Board has
considered the issue and it has been decided to adhere to a simple uniform
procedure for clearance of temporary importation of containers as detailed
(i) The nature of bond should be “continuity bond”.
(ii) No Bank Guarantee / Security is required is furnished alongwith the bond.
(iii) Bond should be executed by shipping line, Non Vessel Owning Common Carrier
(NVOCC), Steamer agents or their authorised representatives.
(iv) The bond amount should cover only the duty element of the imported
containers and not the cargo it is carrying.
(v) The validity period of the bond should be for a year which would be
extendable till further such period as requested by the person executing the
3. While Directorate of Systems and Data Management is developing a module for
automatic matching of imported and export containers within permissible time,
the process of monitoring of period of temporary importation should be done
manually in respective Customs houses till such time. The extension of time
period of six months should be done in accordance with the Circular No.
83/98-Cus., dated 5-11-1998.
4. The above instructions may be brought to the notice of the Trade immediately
through appropriate Public Notice.
5. Receipt of this Circular may kindly be acknowledged.
6. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully
(Anupam Prakash)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Phone No.23094182