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Circular No. 25/2000-Cus

F.NO. 605/48/2000-DBK
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs

New Delhi, the 30, March. 1999

Subject: Drawback – time limit for processing revised

        As announced by the Hon’ble finance Minister in his Budget Speech in Perliament in regard to presentation of Budget for the year 1999-2000, a Committee was constituted in the Finance Ministry to review the transaction cost of Indian exports. This Committee was chaired by the Finance Secretary. The Committee has recently concluded its report and made a number of recommendations.

2.        One of the recommendations which has to be put into effect immediately reproduced below:

"The committee recommends that on Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system, the drawback claims should be cleared within 3 working days and in manual cases within 5 days. Any clearance beyond the prescribed limits should be viewed seriously and the supervisory officer should go into the reasons for delay in settling of such claims". 3.     The Commissioners are, therefore, requested to ensure that the above instructions are strictly followed. Any deviations should be viewed seriously and corrective action taken.

4.     Circular No. 21/2000-Customs (F.No. 605/169/99-DBK) dated 22.3.2000 may please be treated as withdrawn.