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Circular No. 21/2000-Cus

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs

New Delhi, the 22, March, 2000

Subject: DEPB Scheme --- general release advice

        Recommendations have been received in the Board that in certain cases, a large number of consignments are cleared against credit entitlement in a single DEPB scrip, and this necessitates issue of multiple TRAS from one custom house to another custom houses against a single DEPB scrip. This generates additional administrative work for the importers as well as the Customs Commissioners.

2. The issue has been examined in the Board. It has been decided in lieu of issue of TRA for individual consignments, an importer may request for

3. The Commissioners are, therefore, requested to ensure that the above instructions are strictly followed. Any deviations should be viewed seriously and corrective action taken.

Note : This Circular is withdrawn by Circular No. 25/2000-Cus dt. 30.3.2000 reported in 2000 (37) RLT – M113.