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In continuation of this Ministry's letter F.No. 428/12/ 89-Cus-IV dated 30.3.92 I am directed to forward herewith a copy of the Department of Economic Affairs O.M. No. 12/1/ 85-UN dated 14.5.92 & 7.2.95 for your information and guidance. As may be seen the experts assigned to India under the various various Aid Schemes are now permitted vide Department of Economic Affairs O.M. No. 12/22/65-UN dated 28.5.65 also appended to the Departments letter of 30.3.92 mentioned above.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Deptt's O.M. of even number dated the 14th May, 1992, on the above subject mentioned above and to say that it has been decided in consultation with the Deptt of Revenue that besides the duty-free import of articles mentioned in para 1(A) of this Deptt's O.M. No. 12/22/65-UN dated 28th May, 1965 and subsequent O.M's of No. 12/1/85-UN dated 11.2.92 and 14.5.92, the following articles are now eligible for duty free import by such experts subject to the execution of the usual certificate of undertaking by the experts:-
Subject :- Customs & Import facilities to Experts assigned to India under the various Aid Schemes viz UN and its Specialized Agencies (Regular) programme, UNDP, Colombo Plan, Indo-french Programme and other Bilateral Technical Cooperation Agreements with Foreign Countries.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM of even number dated the 11th Feb 92 on the subject mentioned above and to say that it has been decided in consultation with the Department of Revenue (Central Board of Excise & Customs) that besides the duty free import of articles mentioned in para 1(A) of this Department's OM No. F.12/22/65-UN dated 28th May 1965 the VCR may also be included for duty free import by the experts assigned India under the various Aid Schemes. Thus the following articles are now eligible for duty free import by such experts subject to the execution of the usual certification of undertaking by the experts.
(ii) One radio or radio gramophone.
(iii) One refrigerator and / or home freezer.
(iv) 2 air conditioners
(v) Professional equipment and gadgets, and
(vi) Minor electrical accessories and appliances
(vii) TV set, and
(viii) VCR