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Circular No. 125/95
dated 11/12/95
F.No. 354/89/94-TRU
Government of Finance
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Tax Research Unit, New Delhi
Subject:    Notification Nos. 165/95-Cus, 166/95-Cus and 73/95-Cus (NT) all dated 7.12.95

        I am directed to state that the Central Government has operationalised the SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement (SAPTA) with effect from 7.12.95 with the issue of notification No. 165/95- Cus, dated 7.12.95 (copy enclosed)1.

2.    Notification No. 165/95-Cus prescribes the percentage concession on the applied rate of basis customs duty in respect of specified goods. The applied rate is the tariff rate (standard rate in the First Schedule) read with any other notification issued under section 25(1) of the Customs Act, but excluding notification nos. 236/89-Cus, 26/96-Custom and 84/95-Cus. While the concessions mentioned in column (4) of the notification to apply to imports from the SAARC countries listed in Appendix I, the concessions specified in column (5) apply only to the Least Developed SAARC countries listed in Appendix II to the Notification;

3.    To avail of the concessions under notification No. 165/95-Cus importers have to provide proof of the origin of goods in terms of the customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Agreement on SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement) Rules, 1995 which have been prescribed vide Notification No. 73/95-Cus. (NT) dated 7.12.95 [copy enclosed.]

4.    Notification No. 166/95-Cus dated 7.12.95 (copy enclosed) makes consequential amendments in the  GSTP notification No. 236/89-Cus. Henceforth, in the determination of the standard rate under notification Nos. 26/95-Cus. 84/95-Cus and 165/95-Cus will not be taken into account.

5.    It is requested to kindly ensure the smooth implementation of the SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement.

(Rajiv Talwar)
Under Secretary (TRU)