Customs Circular No.77/2002 Date 27/11/2002
Admissibility of DEPB credit and Market verification for ascertaining the present market value under DEPB Scheme -reg.

Attention is invited to Board’s Circulars No.26/2001-Cus dated 24.4.2001, 56/2002-Cus dated 9.9.2002 and 63/2002-Cus dated 27.9.2002. These circulars were issued in the wake of various cases of over-valuation under the DEPB scheme reported by the DRI and field formations. It was brought to the notice of the Board that many unscrupulous exporters had been deliberately resorting to the artificial inflation of the FOB values of their exports to avail unintended DEPB benefits. In order to curb such practice, Government through these circulars laid down that wherever, the declared f.o.b. value is more than the present market value (PMV) as declared by the exporter or as ascertained by the Customs authorities, the present market value shall be the basis for granting DEPB credit.

2. Trade have represented at various fora that the above instructions have led to harassment in the field formations with consequent adverse impact on the exports. It has been represented that each and every export consignment is being subjected to market verification, which results in delay in meeting the export commitments. Further, it has also been stated that in all those cases where the PMV declared is less than the FOB value, the DEPB benefit is being allowed only on the PMV. It has been argued by the export promotion bodies that high value added products are bound to have FOB values higher than the PMV and therefore, the principle of granting DEPB credit on the PMV in every case is not correct.

3. The issue has been examined in consultation with the Directorate General of Foreign Trade. It has been decided in modification of the instructions contained in the above referred circulars that as a general rule, FOB value of the exports shall remain the basis for extending the DEPB credit since FOB value is recognised as the basis of export transactions both in the EXIM Policy as well as in the Customs Act, 1962.

4. However, in cases of specific intelligence that the FOB declared is inflated or there is evidence confirming such over-valuation, the field formations should resort to market verification to ascertain the correct market price of the goods. In addition to above, market verification can also be initiated on receipt of intelligence or where the intelligence is gathered in respect of consignments entered for export to sensitive destinations and/or where the goods are sub-standard and it appears that the acceptance of the declared value would result in accrual of substantial unintended DEPB benefits. But all such cases should be taken up for investigation only with the express written approval of the Commissioner of Customs.

5. In those cases where it is conclusively proved through the investigations that the FOB value had been artificially inflated/ manipulated by the exporter to avail of unintended higher DEPB benefits, the DEPB credit entitlement shall be worked out only on the PMV and not FOB value.

6. This should be ensured that the market verifications are not resorted to in a routine manner and should be undertaken only on the basis of intelligence and concrete evidence. Administrative authorities should also ensure that market verifications are expeditiously concluded and no harassment is caused to the trade nor are any exports held up.

7. Suitable public notices for information of the trade and standing orders for guidance of the staff may kindly be issued accordingly.

8. The receipt of this Circular may kindly be acknowledged.

Yours faithfully,
(S.S. Renjhen)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India


How to file error free DEPB online application in minutes?

Fact of Life:- DEPB online filing is very much time consuming at times

What are the reasons?

-Slow internet connection
-Server break Downs
-Lack of Expertise to file application quickly
-To feed online it takes a lot of time, as it has to load each screen online only
-Some times rate/description amendments are not updated in online

What is the Solution?
-Use DEPB Offline Software supplied by http://www.ieport.com. Now NEW UPDATED version released on 25.8.2002

Please note that offline filing is officially approved by the office of DGFT
NOW Software supplied all over India
What is DEPB Offline Filing:-

At present you are filing E-commerce applications online. Which means that you have to connect to DGFT server through internet and while you feed the entire application data, internet connection should be on. Most of the time internet connection speed is less and lot of people forced to file applications in the nights, when internet speed is good thereby disturbing their sleep OR peace at home. Some times, even though internet speed is good, you may not be able to file application because of server problems etc. Now under this OFFLINE system you need not connect to internet for filing Applications and you will prepare all the applications in your local computer without internet connection. Once you complete the filling the details you can upload the file in 10 seconds. There by you can save internet time, telephone bills and above all your precious time. You will get your E-com reference number and other details immediately after filing of application.

Main Features

-You cannot file application with wrong data even if you intend to !!!
-You can file application without much computer knowledge.
-No more internet Connection problems.
-No mistakes in applications.
-File applications at your leisure.
-No more DGFT Server problems.
-File multiple applications in a single day with ease.
- It takes all DEPB descriptions automatically.
-DEPB rate also taken automatically.


Software delivered by Courier in form of CD with IEC number incorporated in the software.

Basic Version:-Price: Rs 3000/- for first IE Code. If you want to use this software for more than one IE Code add Rs1500/- extra for each additional IE code. Mumbai Exporters can ask for installation by our person for a fee of Rs 500/-.

Enhanced Version:- This version keeps track of all your shipping bills made under DEPB and also maintains data base of DEPBs taken, pending etc. Good to keep track of all Shipments. Highly useful to big exporters.
Price: Rs 5000/- for first IE Code. If you want to use this software for more than one IE Code add Rs1500/- extra for each additional IE code. Mumbai Exporters can ask for installation by our person for a fee of Rs 500/-.
You can pay by credit card also from the site

If you are paying by credit card pl give the following details in the remarks space:-IE code numbers and names of companies who will use this software. Mailing address to send the software. Contact person's name, telephone numbers and email address.

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DDs should be in favour of ieport payable at Mumbai


Phone: call Dr.Gurusamy  022-25777555
Visit ieport.com for more details.

We need the following particulars to process your order
IE code numbers and names of companies who will use this software. Mailing address to send the software. Contact person's name, telephone numbers and email address.

You can download DEMO from site
You can chat with our representative in case you have any doubts. For this visit the site.