Customs Circular No.75/2002 dated 12.11.2002
Implementation of the Circulars and instructions issued by the Central Board of
Excise & Customs-regarding.
Central Board of Excise & Customs, Department of Revenue, has
the overall administrative control over the Customs & Central Excise field
formations spread all over India. However, being a part of the Central
Government, Ministry of Finance, it also frames various rules and
regulations under the Customs Act. The field formations, on the other
hand, implement the policies, rules and regulations framed by the
Central Board of Excise & Customs.
2. Exports are the cornerstone of the Indian Economy in the existing era
of globalisation. Hence Government has been consistently endeavouring trade
facilitation for promoting the trade in general and exports in particular.
Accordingly through constant interaction with the trade, other export promoting
organisations as well as Administrative Ministries, procedures are being devised
to make the exports hassle free. As and when required, clarificatory Circulars
and instructions are issued for the benefit of the field formations to remove
confusion and doubts.
3. It has, however, been observed that on occasions, the field officers
have not been following the instructions issued by the Board and have also
devised their own interpretation to a particular policy provisions and
clarifications. This is highly irregular and is to the detriment of the
legitimate trade. In fact, in a recent instance, Chairman (CBEC) has
“ Our field Officers have given go-by to even
elementary common sense.”
It is on the other hand expected that the circulars/instructions issued by the
Board should be studied thoroughly and thereafter, clear-cut Public
Notices/standing Orders be issued. Further, the situation in the field be
regularly and closely monitored by the Administrative Heads to obviate any
harassment to the trade. The field officers should be given categorical message
that in cases of doubts papers be expeditiously put up to the higher authorities
for orders. Any lapses in this regard be viewed seriously.
9. Suitable standing orders for guidance of the staff may kindly be
issued accordingly.
10. The receipt of this Circular may kindly be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully,
(S.S. Renjhen)
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue