Customs Circular no.74/2002 dated 8.11.2002
Deduction of  Air  Freight  element from  f.o.b.  value – regarding.


Apparel  Export  Promotion Council (AEPC)  has  represented that  Customs  authorities    have initiated recovery  proceedings in respect of  certain garment  exporters  on the  premise  that  they  have   wrongfully  availed  excess  drawback  on consignments,  on the  f.o.b.  value  including  the  element  of  air  freight which otherwise merited  deduction.


2.       AEPC   on the  contrary  has  asserted  that the  contracts/LC  have been  on  freight  collect  basis  with the  terms of  shipment  by  sea.  However,  in few  cases only,  due to  production  constraints and other unavoidable  circumstances,  the  exporters  were compelled to airlift  the  shipments  and  have  borne  the  air  freight  independently  without  affecting  the  f.o.b.  value of  the goods.  AEPC  has  thus contended  that  there  is  no  wrongful  availment  of  drawback.. 


3.       The  issue  has  been examined.  It  is  clarified that if  the  buyer and the seller  have contracted the goods on f.o.b. basis  and  the  same  is reflected in the  contract  and  the  LC,  it  is immaterial that  the exporter has  shipped  the  goods by sea  or  by  air.  If  the freight is  on collect  basis and  the  exporter  is paying  more  as  air  freight due to the  exigency  of the  situation without  affecting  the  f.o.b.,  it  would not  be  justified  to  re-work  the  drawback amount  by  deducting  the  freight  element from the  contracted f.o.b. value.  


4.       This  applies  to  all  kinds  of  commodities.   All  pending  cases of the  parties  may  be decided  accordingly.


5.       Suitable public notices for information of the trade and standing orders for guidance of the staff may kindly be issued accordingly.  


6.       The receipt of this Circular may kindly be acknowledged.


                                                                                     Yours  faithfully,


                                                                              (S.S.  Renjhen)

                                                  Joint  Secretary to the  Government of India


