Customs Circular No. 60/2002- dated 13.9.2002
Sub:-General permission for Authorised Dealers to import currency notes from
their overseas branches – regarding.
It has been brought to the notice of the Board that
Authorised Dealers like Thomas Cook (India) Ltd. are facing problems, especially
in New Delhi for clearing shipments of currency notes imported to meet their
normal business requirements. It appears for clearance of currency, the customs
authorities insist for specific approval of RBI.
In this connection, the Reserve Bank of India has informed that under the
provisions of para 3D.6 of erstwhile Exchange Control Manual, which has been
retained in FEMA, 1999 vide Annexure V attached to AD (MA Series) Circular No.
11 dated 16-5-2000, there is a general permission given to Authorised Dealers to
import currency notes from their overseas branches/correspondents for meeting
their normal banking requirements. In view of this, no specific clearance is
required from RBI for such imports. A copy of RBI letter dated 10-6-2002,
clarifying the matter, is enclosed for ready reference.
The above said instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned to
ensure that Authorised Dealers do not face problem in clearance of currency
notes imported to meet their normal banking requirements. Difficulties, if any,
in implementation of these instructions may be brought to the notice of the
Yours faithfully,
(D.S. Garbyal)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
F.No. 446/68/2002-Cus.IV