Customs Circular No.58/2002 Date 12/09/2002
Eligibility of Drawback on the element of SAD - regarding.
In terms of Section 74 and 75 of the Customs Act, inter
alia drawback of customs duties suffered on inputs used in the manufacture of
resultant export product is allowed. The C&AG of India had raised objection that
drawback was not admissible on the element of SAD. It was, therefore, decided to
seek opinion of Ministry of Law in the matter, Ministry of Law, on examination
of issue, had given an opinion that in view of the wording of sub-section (4) of
Section 3A of the Customs Tariff Act, since the provisions of the Customs Act
pertaining to refunds and exemptions only applied for the purpose of levy of SAD
in terms of Customs Tariff Act and since this sub-section did not specifically
provide for grant of drawback on the element of SAD, drawback on the element of
SAD was not admissible. It was, therefore, decided to temporarily disallow
drawback on the element of SAD.
2. However, various Associations and individual exporters kept on representing
that since Sections 74 and 75 of Customs Act and Customs & Central Excise Duties
Drawback Rules, 1995 clearly provide for grant of drawback on the element of SAD
it was unfair on the part of DOR to have stopped granting such drawback. In this
regard opinion of TRU was also sought as sub-section (4) was inserted in Section
3A of Customs tariff act in the 1998 Finance Bill by TRU. TRU has categorically
opined that the intention of the Government has been to allow drawback on the
element of SAD.
3. On re-examination of the issue, Chairman, CBEC and Secretary, Revenue, have
ordered that since Sections 74/75 of the Customs Act clearly provide for grant
of drawback on any customs duty (which includes SAD) drawback on SAD should be
4. It has, therefore, been decided that for the time being drawback on the
element of SAD should continue to be granted.
5. Suitable standing order / public notice for the guidance of Departmental
Officers and Trade may be issued and wide publicity given to this circular.
Yours faithfully
(R K Talajia)
Senior Technical Officer (DBK)
F. NO. 605/177/2001DBK