CUSTOMS CIRCULAR No.26/2002 Dated 16th May, 2002
Sub:-Wrong availment of DEPB benefit in respect of exports where imports were
made without payment of customs duty under Notification No.32/97 dated 1.4.97.
A complaint has been received in the Board that many custom
houses are allowing DEPB benefits in respect of exports where import of
materials had taken place without payment of duty in terms of Customs
Notification No. 32/97. Customs Notification No.32/97 permits import of
materials/components etc. without payment of customs duty against Bond/BG for
jobbing & reexport within a specified time limit. In other words, materials
imported under 32/97 do not pay any customs duty and on re-export the Bond/BG
filed by the party gets redeemed. It is reported that many parties are wrongly
availing DEPB benefits in addition to the facility of duty free import available
under 32/97 and in order to avoid detection, at the time of export, they do not
declare having imported the inputs without payment of duty.
2. DEPB benefit is available only when the inputs gone into the manufacture of
export product have suffered duty. Hence, once the party has availed benefit of
customs notification No.32/97, then he becomes disentitled to DEPB benefit ; the
facility available under 32/97 and 34/97 (DEPB Scheme) are exclusive and
independent of each other.
3. Due care should be taken by Customs at the time of processing export
consignments under DEPB Scheme so as to ensure that in cases where imports had
taken place on availing the facility of customs notification No.32/97, no DEPB
benefit is extended. For the purpose of ease of identification of export
consignments where benefit of customs notification No.32/97 was taken at the
time of import, it should be made mandatory for the party to declare this fact
on the body of the shipping bill
alongwith details of materials as imported free of duty under 32/97.
4. Suitable trade notice and standing orders for the guidance of trade and staff
may respectively be issued.
5. Receipt of the Circular may please be acknowledged.
(R.K. Talajia)
S.T.O (DBK.)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
New Delhi