Drawback Circular No. 11/2002-Cus, Dated.
All Industry Rate of Drawback in respect of Ready-made Garments - regarding.
Representations have been received from the Apparel Export Promotion Council
and the trade in general that the field formations are applying a single
drawback rate and drawback cap to the goods which are clearly defined in
different entries of the Drawback Table under Chapter 62, on the premise that
the same constitute as Set. Trade has, however, resented this practice as it
results in grant of lower drawback compared to their actual entitlement.
2. The issue has been examined in the Board. It appears that the field
formations are applying the instructions contained in Drawback Circular
No.10/2001-Cus date 23.2.2001.
3. It is clarified here that the Circular No. 10/2001-Cus was issued in the
perspective of previous Drawback Table i.e.2000-2001 when the entries were
generic. This was intended to restrict drawback only in respect of Babies
Garments or certain other Ladies' Garments which though were exported in sets
but availed duty drawback as single garment and had the limitation drawback cap
of Rs. 65/- per piece i.e. individually. Therefore, it was decided that such
garments if packed together and also billed together could be eligible for
drawback only as "Sets" and not as individual garments.
4. However, in the current Table 2001-2002, many specific entries have been
created with individual drawback rates and caps. Moreover, the word 'Set' has
not been mentioned. Therefore, SS Nos. 62.09 and 62.10 are intended to cover
only those items which do not find specific mention SS Nos. 62.01 to 62.08 of
Chapter 62 of the Drawback Table.
5. Suitable public notice for information of the trade and standing orders for
guidance of the staff may kindly be issued accordingly.
6. The receipt of this Circular may kindly be acknowledged.