No.2/2002-Cus-Cus VI
Issue of Export
Certificate to frequently travelling international
Representations have been received from the various quarters to facilitate the business travelers, especially I.T. professionals, frequently travelling abroad, who commonly carry with them expensive equipments such as Notebook/ Laptop Computer(s), camcorder, digital camera, cellular phone, etc. In order to facilitate the issue of export certificate to such passengers, (Format of certificate is enclosed as Annexure A), instructions were issued by the Board in 1996 to enable these passengers to obtain the certificate well in advance of departure, from any major Custom House, International Airport or Sea port (Boards Circular No.66/96-Cus VI dated 26.12.1996, issued vide F.No.495/13/96-Cus VI enclosed as Annexure B refers). However, it appears that the international passengers are not aware of this facilitation measure. The undersigned is, therefore, directed to
request you to issue a suitable public notice intimating the facility available along with name & designation of the officer(s) who could be approached to issue such certificate. It is also suggested that wide publicity may be given to all concerned including to local/State level trade bodies/association.
2. Kindly acknowledge receipt of the circular.
(D.S. Garbyal)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of
Serial No
Place of Issue
(To be used in the case of private personal property intended to be
re-imported into
I hereby declare that the article/articles particulars of which are given below is/are my personal private property and is/are for my personal use not merchandise for sale. I further declare that draw back of duty is not being claimed of exportation.
Signature of the Exporter/Passenger
N.B. To obtain exemption from
import duty on re-importation, the article must remain in the ownership of the
exporter, or of his family. It must be brought back to
Exporters name and address (In block letters)
Details of Passport: Passport No Date/Place of Issue ..
Description of articles |
Identification of particulars |
Value |
Remarks |
(Name of the product & Manufacturer name) |
(Makes/Number, Model No. & year of manufacture) |
Signature of the Customs Officer
I/c Shift AC.S
Certified that the particulars of the articles noted have been verified and found correct. Articles shipped under my supervision by flight No (as detailed below)..
{N.B.- In case the Export Certificate has been issued in advance, a copy of the certificate may be retained by the Customs officer at the departing airport for their record.} |
Date of journey |
Flight details |
Signature of Customs Officer (Customs Stamp) |
CIRCULAR No.66/96-CUS-VI dated26.12.1996
Central Excise and Customs Officer in ICD / FPO and Cargo Complexes to issue
Export Certificates for frequently traveling international passengers.
With increasing trade interaction, many Business Executives are traveling abroad quite frequently. They carry expensive equipment's like Camera, Camcorder, Cellular Phone, Note Book Computers etc. with them. At the time of departure, they have to take a Export Certificates with them to enable them to bring back the said goods without payment of duty on return. Normally, some of these goods are packed in the baggage of the passengers. It is, therefore, inconvenient for them to take out these articles packed in the baggage for presenting before the customs officer to obtain export permit. The number of such passengers is increasing and the frequency of their travel is also increasing and hence instances of such inconvenience is on increase.
2. Board have
examined the issue and it is felt that there is a genuine need for issuing the
Export Certificate before the departure of the passenger as a facilitation
measure. It is decided that such certificates may now be issued in advance in
the Customs Houses,
(a) Name of the product,
(b) Manufacturers name
(c) Marks / number / Mode, and
(d) Year of Manufacture.
3. All Commissioners may please issue suitable public notice intimating of the facility giving, inter-alia, name and designation of the officer (s) competent to issue such certificate.
4. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this Circular.
(Ranjan Jha)
Under Secretary to the Government