CUSTOMS CIRCULAR No.81/2001 Dated 12 th December,
In supersession of this Department’s office Memorandum F.No.467/41/99-Cus-V dated June 18 th , 1999 on the subject, the guidelines as mentioned in the following paragraphs are being issued with approval of the Hon’ble Finance Minister. They may be, with immediate effect, taken into account at the time of consideration of any application for request for exemption from Customs duty under Section 25(2) of the Customs Act, 1962.
2. The provisions of Section 25(2) of the Customs Act for exemption from Customs duty are applicable in respect of goods, which are of secret or strategic nature or are meant for being used for charitable purposes.
3. For the purpose of availment of exemption of Customs duty under the
above-mentioned provisions of the Customs Act, the following categories of goods
would be treated to be of secret or strategic nature :
(a) Imports of secret goods by the Government with a view to meet security
requirements of the country;
(b) Imports to meet country’s defence needs relating to requirements of armed
forces. This would also include goods meant for R&D units under the DRDO. It is
made clear that exemption under this category is not meant for imports which are
of routine or frequent nature or are to meet the normal operational requirements
of the armed forces.
(c) Imports by Government Organisations engaged in security operations like
Special Protection Group (SPG) and other Central Police Organisations; and State
Policy Organisations, for equipping their forces. It is clarified that security
forces are expected to make budgetary provisions for importing their equipments,
and there should be no need to seek ad-hoc exemption from payment of Customs
duty in the routine course. They should provide for payment of duty along with
payment of price of the goods. No exemption will be given to goods which are
required to meet the normal functional requirement of these organisations and
which are in the nature of routine imports. Exemption is also not available to
items like spare parts, which are required for repair and maintenance of
equipments of these organisations. Only in situations of exceptional nature,
particularly, in view of the security considerations, application for availment
of ad-hoc exemption under this category should be made. However, the applicant
organisation should clarify why, in respect of even these goods, budgetary
allocation for duty could not be made.
(d) Applications to be made for availment of Customs duty in the category (c)
above, must be forwarded by an officer not below the rank of concerned Joint
Secretary to Government of India in the concerned administrative Ministry.
(4) Exemption of duty on goods meant for charitable purposes would be applicable in respect of import of such goods by charitable institutions, which are to be used for charitable purposes without any distinction in any manner on account of caste, creed, religion, race or gender.
(5) The imports by charitable institutions would be required to fulfill the
following conditions to be eligible for exemption under the category:
(a) The imports should normally be received as donations or gifts from foreign
countries from known institutions and not from individuals.
(b) Either there should be no payment involved for the imported goods or the
payment should be made only out of the amount received as donation within India.
(c) The applicant of exemption under this category should also be an
institution/organisation registered as a charitable organisation. The applicant
should not be an individual. Further, the institutions should have been
providing charitable service for not less than three years at the time of making
application for exemption, and it should be enjoying good reputation.
(d) The applicant institution should not be such whose activities are purely or
mainly religious in nature such as propagation or promotion of a particular
(e) For the availment of exemption, it would be necessary that the institution
is engaged in rendering charitable service to the society at large, e.g, running
hospitals, educational institutions etc. Either service being so rendered by the
institution should be free of any payment by recipient of such service or the
institution should be running, on ‘no profit no loss’ basis, and this fact
should be reflected in the annual account of the institution. The activity of
institution should not be commercial in nature.
(f) The charitable nature of the institution, the fact of it rendering services
on ‘free’ or ‘no loss no profit’ basis, it having been in existence for not less
than three years and that it enjoys good reputation should be certified by any
of the following authorities:
(i) Jurisdictional Commissioner of Central Excise/Customs.
(ii) Jurisdictional Commissioner of the State Government.
(iii) Concerned Secretary of the State Government.
(iv) Concerned Joint Secretary of the Central Government.
(g) Exemption under this category would not be admissible on items, which are of
general use and operational equipments like construction materials, vehicles,
air conditioners, refrigeration and chilling equipments, curtains, furniture,
audio video systems, computers and accessories, office stationery, etc., since,
they are generally not meant for providing any specific/direct
charitable service. The exclusion would also cover items that are likely to
serve more of a cultural purpose such as musical instruments etc. Exemption will
also not be allowed to items, which are in the nature of spares required for
maintenance and repair of existing equipment.
(h) The institution should certify that the goods under import are for its own
use and should furnish an undertaking to the effect that they would fulfill the
conditions prescribed for availment of exemption.
(i) No preferential treatment in the matter of granting exemption under this
category would be given to any government organisation. The element of Customs
duty should invariability form part of the cost of projects undertaken by the
Government Organisations.
(j) Monitoring of Ad-hoc Exemption Orders (AEO): The concerned Commissioner of
Customs and Central Excise under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the
charitable organisation is situated shall monitor the utilization of the items
imported under the AEO by the importing charitable organisation. For this
purpose, the charitable organisation availing the exemption
shall also be required to intimate to the jurisdictional Commissioner within one
month of their receiving the AEO, details of their address and the proposed site
of utilization of the exempted items, along with any other information that the
Commissionerate may require for verifying compliance of the conditions of the
AEO. A report in this regard should then be sent by the
jurisdictional Commissioner to the Commissioner of Customs of the port of
clearance of the goods within 3 months of the import of the goods. Since, the
conditions of the AEO are binding on the importer in perpetuity, any
infringement of conditions of the AEO should be brought to the notice of the
Commissioner of Customs of the port of import for taking further necessary
action such as realization of Customs duty on the subject goods, penal action
for such violations, etc. the action as above taken by the Commissioner of
Customs of the port of import should be intimated to the Board.
(6) All ad-hoc exemptions from duty to non-governmental organisation will be
issued subject to the conditions that the imported goods will not be put to any
commercial use and will not be sold, gifted or parted by the importer in any
manner without the prior permission of the Board. The imported goods will be
kept available for inspection by jurisdictional Customs or Central Excise
(7) Import of goods which are not covered in any of the categories mentioned in para-2 will not be considered for grant of ad-hoc exemption under Section 25(2) of the Customs Act, 1962.
(8) Ministries/Departments may please bring these guidelines to the notice of all concerned, and direct them to submit their requests for Customs duty exemption in accordance with the afore-mentioned guidelines.