Circular No.53 /2001-Cus Dated 12th October,
Sub : Sharing of Diesel Generating Sets/Captive Power Plants, Central
Air-Conditioning Equipments, Networking Equipments etc. of a STP unit by other
units of the same owner under Software Technology Park Scheme Reg.
I am directed to invite your attention to the above-mentioned subject and to say
that a request has been received from the trade for allowing the units operating
under STP scheme to share certain systems, such as, Diesel Generating
Sets/Captive Power Plants, Central Air-conditioning Equipments and Networking
Equipments etc. with other units for the purpose of development of software and
export thereof on the ground that this would reduce the transaction cost of
different STP units owned by the same owner.
2. The matter has been considered by the Board. It has been decided that the
items viz. diesel generating sets/captive power plants, central air-conditioning
equipments, uninterrupted power supply system, networking equipments, data
transfer protocol equipments, EPABX, Fax, photocopier equipments and security
system imported/procured by a unit under STP scheme may be allowed to be
utilised by other STP units belonging to the same owner. This facility is, in
fact, limited to STP units owned by the same owner and are located in the same
compound or nearby/adjacent premises. Further, the equipments/systems etc. would
not be allowed to be taken out of the bonded premises of the unit, which has
imported or procured the same duty free for the purpose of export. In order to
implement this, notification Nos. 138/91-Cus, dated 22nd October, 1991,
140/91-Cus, dated 22nd October, 1991 and 1/95-CE dated 4th January, 1995 have
been suitably amended vide notification Nos. 106/2001-Cus & 49/2001-CE both
dated 10-10-2001 (a copy each of the notification is enclosed).
3. Under the STP scheme, the Letter of Permission is issued unit-wise;
therefore, the export obligation and NFEP in respect of the said goods shall be
discharged by the unit, which has imported/ procured the goods duty free. For
availing of the facility, the unit desiring to allow utilisation of its goods by
other STP units as specified in the notification for the purpose, may approach
the jurisdictional Commissioner of Central Excise or Customs, as the case may
be, with an application. The Commissioner of Customs and Central Excise may
after suitable verification of facts, give the necessary permission to the unit.
4. The items viz. Networking Equipments, Data Transfer Protocol Equipments and
Central Air-Conditioning Equipments, though do not find any specific mention in
notification Nos.138/91-Cus, dated 22nd October, 1991, 140/91-Cus, dated 22nd
October, 1991 and 1/95-CE dated 4th January, 1995 governing duty free
import/procurement of goods by units under STP scheme are nevertheless allowed
to be imported or procured without payment of duty as capital goods. However,
for the purpose of clarity, notification Nos.138/91-Cus, dated 22nd October,
1991, 140/91-Cus, dated 22nd October, 1991 and 1/95-CE dated 4th January, 1995
have been amended so as to mention these items specifically in the eligible list
of items allowed to be imported/procured duty free under the notifications ibid.
5. Wide publicity may be given by issue of a Public Notice in this regard.
Difficulties, if any, faced in the implementation of the above instructions, may
be brought to the notice of the Board at an early date.
Kindly acknowledge receipt of this Circular.