CIRCULAR No.41/2001-CUS. Dated 23rd July, 2001
Monitoring of the Performance of EOUs and EPZ/SEZ units by the Development
Commissioners and the
Commissioner of Customs/Central Excise-Reg.
am directed to invite your kind attention to Board’s Circular No.35/2001-Cus,
15-6-2001 on the above subject, wherein, it has been stated, inter alia,
that Joint review of the export performance of EOUs/EPZ/SEZ units will help
resolve the problems/difficulties being faced by the units and at the same time,
will enable us to take timely action against the defaulters. It has also been
emphasized that our officers should participate in such meetings with upto date
information about the units concerned along with brief details of any misuse
noticed. In this connection, the Commissioners of Customs/Central Excise may
kindly get in touch with the Development Commissioners in charge of Export
Processing Zones (EPZs) or Special Economic Zones (SEZ) and obtain the
statement/returns/reports, which are being sent regularly by them to the
Ministry of Commerce in the formats prescribed in Appendix 16E of Handbook of
Procedures, Vol. I. In case of STP/EHTP scheme, the information may be called
for from the Director, STPI. These statement/returns/reports may also be
utilised for tallying with your own information/records as regards discharge of
export obligation/achievement of NFEP of such EOUs/units in EPZ/SEZ/STP/EHTP
vis-a-vis as prescribed in EXIM Policy and timely action may be taken against
the defaulting units for safeguarding the interests of revenue.
The results of joint review as envisaged in Appendix 16E and Board’s Circular
No.35/2001-Cus, dated 15-6-2001 may kindly be communicated to the Board. In case
of any difficulty being faced regarding exchange of information and joint
monitoring with Development Commissioner/Director, STPI, the same may also be
brought to the notice of the Board on priority.
Sd/- |
(C.P.Goyal) |
Technical Officer (FTT) |