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/2005- Central Excise dated 07.03.2005
Heading 8706 shall include chassis, whether or not fitted with a
G.S.R. (E).- Whereas the Central Government is satisfied that chassis fitted with engines, for the motor vehicles, whether or not fitted with a cab, should be classified and levied to the rates of duty in force till 27th February, 2005 for Heading No. 8706 even after the coming into effect of Central Excise Tariff (Amendment) Act, 2004 (5 of 2005) and the rate of duty for the Tariff Item 58063200 in Chapter 58 of the First Schedule to the aforesaid Amendment Act should be specified at the same rate as in force upto 27th February 2005 and that circumstances exist which render it necessary to take immediate action;
2. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (5 of 1986), the Central Government, hereby makes the following amendments in the First Schedule and the Second Schedule to the said Central Excise Tariff Act, namely: -
I. In the First Schedule,
(a) In Chapter 58, in column (4), against tariff item 5806 32 00, the entry “16%” shall be inserted.
(b) In Chapter 87, for NOTE 3, the following NOTE shall be substituted, namely: -
“Heading 8706 shall include chassis, whether or not fitted with a cab.”
II. In the Second Schedule, in NOTE 9 in clause (iv) for the words, “ tariff items of heading 8706 includes chassis fitted with engines only for-”, the words “heading 8706 shall include chassis, whether or not fitted with a cab. Tariff items of heading 8706 include chassis fitted with engines for-” shall be substituted.
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
[No. 4/3/2002-CX.I]