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Tariff Notifications of Central Excise in year 2001
(This Index lists out the original wording of the Notification without carrying out any subsequent amendment. For the Notification amended up-to-date please refer to the index in the currently valid notifications)
53/2001-C.E., dated 13-11-2001 |
Seeks to amend Notification No. 32/2001-Central Excise, dated the 28th June, 2001. |
52/2001-C.E., dated 06-11-2001 |
Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1957) - amendment to certain notifications. |
51/2001-C.E., dated 12-10-2001 |
Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1957) - amendment to Notification No. 32/99-Central Excise, dated the 8th July 1999. |
50/2001-C.E., dated 12-10-2001 |
Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1957) - amendment to Notification No. 108/95-Central Excise, dated the 28th August,1995. |
49/2001-C.E., dated 10-10-2001 |
Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1957) - amendment to Notification No.1/95-CE, dated the 4th January, 1995 |
48/2001-C.E., dated 10-10-2001 |
Seeks to amend Notification No.3/2001-CE, dated 1-3-2001 with reference to plastic materials reprocessed in a free trade zone , a special economic zone or a hundred per cent. export- oriented undertaking and brought to any other place in India. |
47/2001-C.E., dated 01-10-2001 |
Seeks to amend SSI Exemption Notifications No.8/2001 and 9/2001, both dated 1-3-2001. |
46/2001-C.E., dated 25-09-2001 |
Seeks to amend Notification No. 64/95-Central Excise, dated the 16th March,1995. |
45/2001-C.E. |
Not Issued |
44/2001-C.E., dated 25-09-2001 |
Seeks to exempt Gold potassium cyanide used within the factory of production for the manufacture of gold jewellery. |
43/2001-C.E., dated 21-09-2001 |
Seeks to exempt footwear of retail sale price not exceeding Rs. 125 per pair and Rubberised coir mattresses. |
42/2001-C.E., dated 21-09-2001 |
Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1957) - amendment to Notification No. 39/2001-C.E., dated 31-7-2001. |
41/2001-C.E., dated 21-09-2001 |
Seeks to amend Notification No. 32/2001-C.E., dated the 28th June, 2001. |
40/2001-C.E., dated 29-07-2001 |
Seeks to amend certain exemption notifications. |
39/2001-C.E., dated 31-07-2001 |
Seeks to exempt the goods cleared from a unit located in Kutch district of Gujarat from duties of excise and additional duty of excise. |
38/2001-C.E., dated 17-07-2001 |
Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1957) - amendment to Notification No. 32/99-C.E., dated 8-7-1999. |
37/2001-C.E., dated 17-07-2001 |
Seeks to further amend Notification No. 43/2000-C.E., dated the 18th August, 2000, to substitute "31st day of July, 2001", with "31st day of July, 2003". |
36/2001-C.E., dated 06-07-2001 |
Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1957) - amendment to Notification No. 108/95-C.E., dated the 28th August, 1995. |
35/2001-C.E., dated 29-06-2001 |
Amendment to certain Notifications consequent to notification of new Rules. |
Corrigendum to 34/2001-C.E.,dated 31-07-2001 |
Corrigendum to Notification No. 34/2001-CE, dated 31-7-2001 |
34/2001-C.E., dated 28-06-2001 |
Seeks to fix rate of duty in respect of specified excisable goods viz. stainless steel pattis/pattas, falling under Chapter 72, or aluminium circles falling under Chapter 76 of the First Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985. |
33/2001-C.E., dated 28-06-2001 |
Seeks to fix rate of duty in respect of specified embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs on cotton fabrics, man made fabrics, silk fabrics or woollen fabrics. |
32/2001-C.E., dated 28-06-2001 (Rescinded vide Notfn. No. 16/2002-CE, dt. 1-3-2002) |
Notifies the rate of excise duty in case of specified processed textile fabrics or processed textile fabrics of cotton or man-made fibres manufactured or produced by an independent textile processor exclusively with the aid of a hot-air stenter. |
31/2001-C.E., dated 01-06-2001 |
Seeks to further amend Notification No. 67/95-CE, dated 16-3-1995 |
30/2001-C.E., dated 29-05-2001 |
Seeks to exempt fabrics subjected to the process of dew drop and manufactured out of processed fabrics on which the appropriate duty of excise has already been paid. |
29/2001-C.E., dated 18-05-2001 |
Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1957) - amendments to certain notifications |
28/2001-C.E., dated 16-05-2001 |
Seeks to exempt all excisable goods specified in the First Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (5 of 1986), produced or manufactured in a hundred per cent export oriented undertaking or a free trade zone or a special economic zone and cleared to a person specified. |
27/2001-C.E., dated 11-05-2001 |
This Notification supersedes Notification No. 13/2001-C.E. |
26/2001-C.E., dated 11-05-2001 |
This Notification supersedes Notification No. 5/2001-C.E. |
25/2001-C.E., dated 11-05-2001 |
This Notification rescinds Notification No. 4/2001-C.E. |
24/2001-C.E., dated 30-04-2001 |
Seeks to exempt ball or roller bearings falling under Chapter 84 of the First Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 |
23/2001-C.E., dated 30-04-2001 |
Seeks to amend SSI Exemption Notification Nos. 8/2001 and 9/2001. |
22/2001-C.E., dated 30-04-2001 |
Seeks to rescind notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 12/2001-Central Excise, dated the 1st March, 2001 |
21/2001-C.E., dated 30-04-2001 (Rescinded vide Notfn. No. 13/2002-C.E., dated 1-3-2002) |
Seeks to exempt raincoats, undergarments and clothing accessories from the whole of the duty. |
20/2001-C.E., dated 30-04-2001 |
Sees to fix the rate of excise duty on processed textile fabrics, cotton or man-made fibres manufactured or produced by an independent textile processor exclusively with the aid of a hot-air stenter. |
19/2001-C.E., dated 30-04-2001 |
This Notification amends Notification No. 32/2001-C.E. |
18/2001-C.E., dated 26-04-2001 |
Seeks to exempt footware falling under Tariff Heading No. 64.01 of the First Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985. |
17/2001-C.E., dated 31-03-2001 |
Seeks to amend to Notification Nos. 83/94-C.E., 84/94-C.E. and 9/96-C.E. |
16/2001-C.E., dated 26-03-2001 |
Sees to exempt goods supplied to the earthquake affected areas of Gujarat. |
15/2001-C.E., dated 16-03-2001 |
Seeks to amend SSI Exemption Notification Nos. 8/2001 and 9/2001. |
Corrigendum to 14/2001-C.E., dated 17-04-2001 |
Corrigendum to Notification No. 14/2001-CE, dated 2-3-2001. |
14/2001-C.E., dated 02-03-2001 |
Seeks to amend the list of 'Industrial Estates' under 'I.ASSAM' in respect of Notification No. 32/99-CE, dated 8th July, 1999. |
13/2001-C.E., dated 01-03-2001 |
Seeks to exempt Pan Masala falling under heading No. 21.06 produced by units availing exemption under notification No. 32/99 or 33/99 CE, from the whole of National Calamity Contingent Duty |
12/2001-C.E., dated 01-03-2001 |
Seeks to exempt articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted, other than those bearing a registered brand name |
11/2001-C.E., dated 01-03-2001 (Superseded vide Notfn. No. 14/2002-C.E., dated 1-3-2002) |
Seeks to prescribe effective duty of excise and additional duty of excise in respect of processed textile fabrics |
10/2001-C.E., dated 01-03-2001 |
Rescinds notifications issued under S-5A of the Central Excise Act |
9/2001-C.E., dated 01-03-2001(to be superseded w.e.f. 1-4-2002 vide Notfn No. 9/2002-CE, dt. 1-3-2002) |
SSI exemption scheme effective from 1.4.2001 for units availing Cenvat credit |
8/2001-C.E., dated 01-03-2001 (to be superseded w.e.f. 1-4-2002 vide Notfn No. 8/2002-CE, dt. 1-3-2002) |
SSI exemption scheme effective from 1.4.2001 for units not availing Cenvat credit |
7/2001-C.E., dated 01-03-2001 |
Seeks to rescind certain notifications issued under S-3A of the Central Excise Act |
6/2001-C.E., dated 01-03-2001 |
Seeks to amend specified Central Excise Tariff notifications |
5/2001-C.E., dated 01-03-2001 |
Seeks to exempt specified goods for NCC duty |
4/2001-C.E., dated 01-03-2001 (rescinded vide Notfn.No. 25/2001-CE., dt.11-5-2001) |
Seeks to provide effective rates wherever duty rate has been reduced in the Tariff |
3/2001-C.E., dated 01-03-2001 (Rescinded vide Notfn. No. 13/2002-C.E., dated 1-3-2002) |
Seeks to prescribe effective rates for specified goods falling under the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 |
2/2001-C.E., dated 27-01-2001 |
Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1957) - exemption to goods supplied to earthquake hit Gujarat (Expired on 31-7-2001) |
1/2001-C.E., dated 22-01-2001 |
Additional Duties of Excise (Goods of Special Importance) Act, 1957 (58 of 1957) - amendments to certain notifications |