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Notification No- 25/2007-CE(N.T.) dated
Procedure for claiming refund of unutilised CENVAT credit
In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 5A of the CENVAT
Credit Rules, 2004, the Central Government hereby prescribes the following
procedure for claiming refund of unutilised CENVAT credit, subject to the
conditions prescribed in notification of the Government of India in the Ministry
of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 20/2007-Central Excise, dated the 25th
April, 2007,-
(a) the manufacturer shall file a declaration with the Assistant Commissioner of
Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be,
having jurisdiction over the factory of manufacture describing the finished
goods proposed to be manufactured along with their rate of duty leviable and
manufacturing or processing formula with particular reference to quantity or
proportion in which the materials are actually used as well as the quality. The
declaration shall also contain the tariff classification, rate of duty paid or
payable on the materials so used, both in words and figures, in relation to the
finished goods to be manufactured and cleared. However, if any particulars given
in the declaration have undergone any changes, the revised declaration shall be
filed by the manufacturer;
(b) the manufacturer shall submit a statement containing details namely quantity
of opening balance of inputs, quantity of inputs received during the month,
value thereof, duty paid or payable thereon, amount of Cenvat Credit taken,
quantity of inputs used during the month, quantity of final products
manufactured, quantity of inputs lying in stock at the end of the month, amount
of Cenvat credit utilised for payment of duty on the final product and amount of
Cenvat credit lying in balance to the Assistant Commissioner or Deputy
Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, by the 7th day of the next
month for claiming refund;
(c) the Assistant Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the
case may be, after such verification, as may be deemed necessary, may refund the
balance amount of unutilised credit, if any, at the end of the month under
consideration to the manufacturer within a period of 3 months from the date of
receipt of the statement; and
(d) if there is likely to be any delay in the verification, the Assistant
Commissioner or Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, as the case may be, shall
refund 80% of the amount on provisional basis by the 30th day of the month
following the month under consideration.(Rahul Nangare)
Under Secretary to Government of India