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June, 2001 Notification
No.35/2001-Central Excise(N. T.) In
exercise of powers conferred by rule 9 of the Central Excise (No.2) Rules, 2001,
(hereinafter referred to as the said rules) the Central Board of Excise and
Customs hereby specifies the conditions, safeguards and procedures for
registration of a person under the said rules and exemptions from registration
in specified cases: - (1)
Application for registration: Every person specified under sub-rule (1)
of rule 9, unless exempted from doing so by the Board under sub-rule (2) of rule
9, shall get himself registered with the jurisdictional Superintendent of
Central Excise by applying in the form specified in Annexure-I; (2)
Registration of different premises of the same registered person: If the
person has more than one premises requiring registration, separate registration
certificate shall be obtained for each of such premises. (3)
Registration Certificate and Number: Registration Certificate in the Form
specified in Annexure-II containing registration number shall be granted within
seven days of the receipt of the duly complete application. (4)
Transfer of Business: Where a registered person transfers his business to
another person, the transferee shall get himself registered afresh. (5)
Change in the Constitution: Where a registered person is a firm or a
company or association of persons, any change in the constitution of firm,
company or association, shall be intimated to the jurisdictional Central Excise
Officer within thirty days of such change. (6)
De-registration: Every registered person, who ceases to carry on the
operation for which he is registered, shall de-register himself by making a
declaration in the form specified in Annexure-III and depositing his
registration certificate with the Superintendent of Central Excise. (7)
Revocation or suspension of registration: A registration certificate
granted under this rule may be revoked or suspended by the Assistant
Commissioner of Central Excise or the Deputy Commissioner of Central Excise, if
the holder of such certificate or any person in his employment, is found to have
committed breach of any of the provisions of the Act or the rules made
thereunder or has been convicted of an offence under section 161, read with
section 109 or with section 116 of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860). Annexure-I FORM
A-1 Application
for Registration to cure/produce/manufacture/conduct wholesale trade/act as a
broker or
commission agent/obtain excisable goods, for industrial purpose etc. [
Rule 9 ] (Delete
the letters and words not applicable) To The
Superintendent of Central Excise, Sir, I/We_____________________________Son/Daughter(s)
of___________________ residing at ____________________hereby request that I/We
_______________________ may be issued a registration certificate under Rule 9
for the purposes indicated in the schedule. Other details required are also
furnished in the schedule. 2.
I/We___________________ agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the
registration which may be imposed from time to time. 3.
I/We_________________________ agree to abide by all the provisions of Central
Excise (No.2) Rules, 2001 and any orders issued thereunder. 4.
I/We_________________ declare to the best of my/our knowledge and belief the
information furnished herein is true and complete. Place: Date: Signature
of the applicant (Signatures)
an application for Registration from Ms./Mr./Smt. __________________
Son/Daughter of __________________ for registration under Rule 9 Date:
stamp of the officer receiving
the application. SCHEDULE 1.
Name and address of the person applying for the registration : 2.
Details of the premises where the activity proposed is to be carried on :
(attach details of plan of Building/Plant/Machinery etc.) 3.
Details of the proprietors/all partners/Directors of the company including : (a)
Name(s) (b)
Address(es) (i)
Official (ii)
Residential (c)
Income Tax No./Nos. 4.
Sl. No. |
Description of Excisable goods |
Tariff Classification |
The purpose for which the registration is sought for |
Remarks |
5. In case the application is for obtaining excisable goods to be used for special industrial purposes,additional details as below may be furnished.
commodity during the year(i) Estimated quantity of each case of goods and value of such goods likely to be used during the year
(ii) Commodities to be manufactured and issue of each
(iii) Manner of manufacture
(iv) Purpose to which manufactured product
is supplied(v) Source from which excisable goods will be obtained
(vi) Remarks
6. In case the application is for obtaining permission for warehousing, additional details in the format
furnished below may be given:
stored during each financial year:1. Village/town
2. District
Distinguishing letter or number or Detailed description of each Purpose of each
letter and number of each
3. Description of each main division or sub-division of the warehouse or store-room
4. Area and total storage capacity
5. Varieties of excisable product to be stored
6. Estimated quantity of each variety of such products to be
Original (for applicant)
Duplicate (for Division)
Triplicate (for Range)
Proforma of Registration Certificate
Sr. No.
Registration Certificate to cure, produce, manufacture, carry on wholesale trade/business/broker or commission agent or otherwise deal in excisable goods, act as a user of excisable goods for special industrial purposes (See Rule 9)
(Delete the letters/words not applicable)
1. ....................... of ..................... having undertaken to comply with the conditions prescribed in the Central Excise Rules, 2001 and any orders issued thereunder is hereby certified to have been registered with the Central Excise Department to undertake activities as detailed in the Schedule.
2. Certificate is valid only for the premises and purposes specified in the Schedule and for no other purposes and premises.
3. Registration certificate is not transferable.
4. No corrections in the certificate will be valid unless ordered and attested by the Superintendent of Central Excise.
5. This certificate shall remain valid till the holder carries on the activity for which a certificate has been issued or surrenders the certificate whichever is earlier.
6. The grant of this certificate shall be without prejudice to the rights of any other person over the registered premises or purpose to which such person may be lawfully entitled.
1. Name and address of the person to whom the registration certificate has been granted:
2. Address and specification of the premises :
3. Sl. Description of Purpose for Remarks
No. Excisable goods which registered_____________________________________________________________________________
Date :
Signature of the registering Authority
Annexure III
The Superintendent of Central Excise,
(Address of the Range)_____________
Subject: Surrender of Registration Certificate
I/We, _________________________________ of M/s ________________________,
duly authorised in this behalf by the proprietor/ firm/company declare that we do not require registration with the Central Excise and therefore hereby surrender and deposit with you the original copy of the Registration Certificate No. ________________________ issued to me on _______________ (date) in terms of the provisions of rule 9 read with notification No. ___________________ dated ___________ .
I/We further declare that duty has been paid in respect of all excisable goods manufactured and remaining in the factory, which are liable to duty.
I/We also declare that there is no government due pending against us and that there is no demand pending against us under Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944) and rule made thereunder pending as on the date of surrendering the Registration Certificate.
Signature of the Registrant or the authorised signatory
with full name, date and seal.
I hereby acknowledge receipt of "Registration Certificate No.____________________ in original. Surrender of registration shall be subject to correctness of the declaration made above.
Superintendent of Central Excise
with full name, date and seal.
This notification shall come into force on 1st July, 2001.
F. No. 201/12/2001-CX.6
(P.K. Sinha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India