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Central Excise matters
Central Excise
Circular No. 845 / 03
/2007-CX dated 01.02.2007
Simultaneous availment of NTF. NO. 30/2004-CE & 29/2004-CE, DT. 9.7.2004 by the
manufacturers of goods falling under Chap. 50 to 63 of the CETA, 1985
Representations were received from trade and industry, as well as field
formations seeking clarification on the above referred subject. Notification No.
29/2004-CE dated 9.7.2004 permits clearance of goods at concessional rates
availing CENVAT Credit wherein a manufacturer can take CENVAT Credit on inputs.
Notification No. 30/2004-CE dated. 9.7.2004 permits a manufacturer to clear the
goods at ‘Nil’ rate of duty without availing CENVAT Credit on inputs. Further,
Board’s circular No. 795/28/2004-CX, dated 28.07.2004, issued by TRU had
clarified that the benefit of these two notifications can be availed
simultaneously provided the manufacturer maintains separate Books of Account for
goods in respect of which benefit of notification No. 29/2004-CE dated 9.7.2004
is availed and similarly, for goods in respect of which benefit of notification
No. 30/2004-CE dated 9.7.2004 is availed. However, it was brought to the notice
of the Board that in such cases, certain manufacturers did not maintain separate
accounts and availed credit on all the inputs. Subsequently, they reversed the
credit availed on such inputs utilized for goods cleared under exemption
notification No. 30/2004 as per the provisions of Rule 6(3) of the CENVAT Credit
Rules, 2004.
2. The issue has been examined. It is seen that proviso to notification No.
30/2004-CE dated 9.7.2004 states that ‘nothing contained in this Notification
shall apply to the goods in respect of which the credit of duty on inputs has
been taken under the provisions of the CENVAT Credit Rules, 2004’. Therefore, it
is clarified that non-availment of credit on inputs is a precondition for
availing exemption under this notification and if manufacturers avail input tax
credit, they would be ineligible for exemption under this notification. Reversal
of credit on a later date would not suffice to make them eligible for this
3. However, it is seen that textile manufacturers/ processors have to use common
inputs, which are used in a continuous manner, and it may not be practically
possible to segregate and store inputs like dyes and chemicals separately or
maintain separate accounts. In such cases, in order to facilitate simultaneous
availment of the two notifications, such manufacturers may be advised not to
take credit initially and instead take only proportionate input credit on inputs
used in the manufacture of finished goods cleared by him on payment of duty.
Such proportionate credit should be taken at the end of the month only. At the
time of audit of records, or at any other time if the department requires, the
assessee should support such credit availment with the relevant records
maintained by them showing input quantity used for the goods manufactured and
cleared on payment of duty. In case any subsequent verification reveals that
such proportionate credit taken is incorrect, the penal provisions as prescribed
under the law will be taken against such assessees.
4. The field formations may be suitably be informed.
5. Receipt of the Circular may be acknowledged.
6. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully,
(Rahul Nangare)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
F. No. 267/01/2006-CX-8