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Central Excise matters
Central Excise
Circular No. 844 / 02
/2007-CX dated 31.1.2007
Special procedure for removal of excisable goods for carrying out certain
processes under rule 16 C of the Central Excise Rules, 2002.
Attention is invited to notification no. 26/2006-CE(NT), dated 28.12.06,
wherein the erstwhile rule 16C of the Central Excise Rules, 2002 has been
substituted with a new rule. The erstwhile rule has been redrafted with certain
modifications. In the new rule, it has also been provided that a manufacturer
can send excisable goods to a job worker for carrying certain processes not
amounting to manufacture also. For example, a manufacturer of HR/CR coil can
send the products for cutting/slitting, even though said processes does not
amount to manufacture as per the court decision. As per new Rule 16C, a
manufacturer can be permitted to remove excisable goods manufactured by him for
carrying out test or any process not amounting to manufacture to any other
premises including to a job worker without payment of duty. The said other
person or a job worker may be a registered or unregistered person. The rule
further provides that after carrying out specified processes, the goods can be
cleared from the premises of the said other person or from the premises of the
job worker on payment of duty.
2. As per this rule, the Commissioner is empowered to give the said permission
by prescribing certain conditions. In order to ensure uniformity in the
conditions to be imposed by the Commissioner, it is clarified that the procedure
prescribed under sub-rules (2),(3),(4) & (9) of rule 12AA of the Central Excise
Rules, 2002 should broadly be followed in such cases. However, proper records of
receipt of goods, its use, nature of activities carried out, goods processed and
cleared by the said other person or job worker would be maintained. In other
words, proper records of such goods should be maintained both by principal
manufacturer and job worker. Further, any waste/scrap arising at the premises of
the said other person/job worker while carrying out the test/other processes
should either be cleared on payment of duties or it should be returned back to
principal manufacturer. As regards, the valuation of the goods cleared from the
job worker’s premise, it is clarified that in such cases, the value at which the
principal manufacturer (person who has sent the goods for test/carrying out
processes) sells the final goods to the customer should be taken for payment of
appropriate duty. This aspect should also be incorporated in the permission.
Further, such permission should be given only in deserving cases and only for
one financial year at a time.
3. The field formations may suitably be informed.
4. Receipt of this Circular may please be acknowledged.
5. Hindi version will follow.
Yours faithfully,
(Rahul Nangare)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
F.No. 267/24/2006-CX.8