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Central Excise matters
Central Excise Circular
No-829/01/2006-CX dated 01.05.2006
Export Warehousing- extension of
facility in the taluka Ankleshwar - Bharuch - Gujarat
I am directed to refer to Board's Circular No.
581/18/2001-CX dated 29 th June, 2001 which interalia, specifies conditions,
procedures, class of exporters and places under sub-rule (2) of rule 20 of
Central Excise Rules, 2002 for warehousing of excisable goods for the purpose of
export. In paragraph 2(2) of the said Circular, the Board has specified places
where warehouses may be established. Now, representations have been received
from the trade as well as field formations to include the taluka Ankleshwar in
the district of Bharuch in the state of Gujarat in the list of places mentioned
in the said Circular.
2. The matter has been examined. Board is of the view that extension of the
facility of export warehousing to the taluka Ankleshwar in the District of
Bharuch in the state of Gujarat. would facilitate the trade and industry.
Accordingly, it is decided to amend paragraph 2(2) of the said Circular dated
29.6.2001 to include the taluka Ankleshwar in the district of Bharuch in the
state of Gujarat. The said paragraph shall now read as follows:
“(2) Places: The warehouses may be established and registered in Ahmedabad,
Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Ludhiana, Mumbai, the
districts of Pune and Raigad in the state of Maharashtra, the district of East
Midnapore in the state of West Bengal, the district of Indore in the state of
Madhya Pradesh and the taluka Ankleshwar in the district of Bharuch in the state
of Gujarat.”
3. Trade & field formations may please be informed suitably.
4. Receipt of the Circular may be acknowledged.
5. Hindi version will follow.
F.No. 209 /14/2005-CX-6
Under Secretary to the Government of India