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Central Excise matters
Central Excise Circular
No-825/01/2006-CX [OLD- 824/1/2006-CX ]
dated 06.02.2006
Functioning of the Committee of Chief
Commissioners for Review of Orders passed by Executive Commissioners and
Appellate Commissioners.
(Above Circular number has been corrected vide CIR NO. 826/03/2006-CX, DT.
I am directed to invite your attention to the provision of sub section 2 of
section 35B of the Central Excise Act, 1944 or section 129A of the Customs Act,
1962, which interalia provides that the committee of Commissioners of Central
Excise or the Committee of Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, may, if
it is of the opinion that an order passed by the Appellate Commissioner of
Central Excise under section 35 or the order passed by the Appellate
Commissioner of Customs under section 128, as the case may be, as it stood
immediately before the appointed day, or the Commissioner (Appeals) under
section 35A or under section 128A, is not legal or proper, direct any Central
Excise Officer or the proper Officer authorized by him in this behalf (hereafter
in this Chapter referred to as the authorized officer) to appeal on its behalf
to the Appellate Tribunal against such order. Similarly, sub-section 1 of
section 35E of Central Excise Act, 1944 or section 129D of Customs Act, 1962,
provide that the Committee of Chief Commissioner of Central Excise or the
Committee of Chief Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, may of its own
motion, call for and examine the record of any proceedings in which a
Commissioner of Central Excise or a Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be,
as an adjudicating authority has passed any decision or order under this Act for
the purpose of satisfying itself as to the legality or propriety of any such
decision or order and may, by order, direct such Commissioner or any other.
Commissioner to apply to the Appellate Tribunal for the determination of such
points arising out of the decision or order as may be specified by the Committee
of Chief Commissioners of Central Excise or Committee of Chief Commissioner of
Customs, as the case may be, in its order.
2. The Board has received a number of references from the field formations
concerning the procedure to be followed while implementing the provisions of
subsection 1(B) of section 35B and 35E of Central Excise Act, 1944 and
sub-section 1(B) of section 129A and 129D of the Customs Act, 1962, in case of
difference of opinion between the members of the Committee.
3. The suggestions of the Chief Commissioners on the matter have been examined
and considering the above legal position, Board has decided that when two
members take a common view to file an appeal or not to file an appeal, in a
particular case there would be no difference of opinion and the same would be
followed. However, in a rare case when the two members could take different
views i.e, one member takes a view to file an appeal, and the other member
opposes it, the decision should be to file an appeal.
4. Receipt of this Circular may please be acknowledged.
5. Hindi version will follow.
(Kailash Sethi)
Member (L & J)
Central Excise Circular
No-826/01/2006-CX dated 22.2.2006
Corrigendum to CIR. NO. 824/01/2006-CX, DT.
I am directed to refer to Board's Circular No.824/1/2006 dated 06/02/2006 and
to state that inadvertently Board has already assigned the said Circular No. on
another issue pertaining to the Central Excise Matter. Accordingly, the number
assigned to the above said circular shall now read as "825/2/2006-CX" instead of
2. The field formations may suitably be informed.
3. Receipt of this Circular may please be acknowledged.
4. Hindi version will follow.
(Sungita Sharma)
Director (Review)