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Circular No-818/16/2005-CX
dated 15.7.2005
Manner of scrutiny of ER-1 and ER-3 returns by the Proper Officer-regarding
In exercise of powers conferred under sub-rule (3) of rule 12 of the Central
Excise Rules, 2002, the Board hereby lays down the manner of scrutiny of by
the proper officer of the correctness of the duty assessed by the assessee :
1. All the returns received by the Superintendent of Central Excise under
sub-rule (1) of Rule 12 shall be scrutinized by him to check the correctness of
duty assessed. The Inspectors posted in the Range will assist him in carrying
out the scrutiny.
2. The scrutiny would be carried out in two stages viz. the 'scrutiny of return'
and scrutiny of assessment. Both the stages should be completed within three
months of the date of receipt of the return.
3. In the preliminary stage (to be called the 'scrutiny of return) all returns
shall be scrutinized as per the checklist in Annexure 1 of this Circular. This
would involve checking whether the information contained in the return is
complete, prima facie, valid and internally consistent. For example, whether the
8-digist CETSH exists and if so whether the rate of duty is correctly mentioned.
It would also involve checking the arithmetical accuracy of information
contained in the return e.g. duty payment or the break-up of duty paid in cash
and through CENVAT credit. The preliminary scrutiny shall also include checking
whether the assessment is consistent with the existing orders on a particular
commodity or in respect of the concerned assessee. It should also be verified
whether there is any provisional assessment order in respect of the assessee.
4. After the checklist at Annexure - I has been executed it should be completed
and duly signed by the Superintendent. Wherever any discrepancies/deficiencies
are noticed it shall be the responsibility of the Range Superintendent to take
appropriate action including safeguarding the revenue.
5. Apart from the above checks the preliminary scrutiny shall also involve
checking and comparison of trends of payment of duty, production, clearance (for
home consumption on payment of duty and under exemption and for exports), value,
and CENVAT utilization to identify returns for detailed scrutiny.
6. The parameters on the basis of which returns would be selected for details
scrutiny in the second stage are listed out in Annexure - 2 of this Circular.
Such selection has to be carefully made os that really sensitive units are
selected. For a given period i.e. month or quarter, the said selection may
normally not exceed 5% of the total returns received. Returns that shows a tend
with a negative impact on revenue for the maximum number of parameters should be
selected on priority e.g. a return that shows an abnormal trend only in respect
of all eight parameters at S. No. 3 to 10 of the checklist at Annexure-2 should
be selected on priority over one that shows an abnormal trend only in respect of
seven parameters. The results of the scrutiny should be recorded in the
checklist proforma at Annexure-2 and duly signed by the Range Superintendent. A
calculation sheet should also be annexed. The purpose or the details scrutiny to
ascertain the correct reason for abnormal trends exhibited by the parameters.
7. In suitable cases, the proper officer may be required to call for
documents/records for verification in terms of sub-rule (4) of Rule 12. In rare
case, he may even be required to pay an assurance visit to the assessee's
premises for which provisions exist in Rule 22 of Central Excise Rules, 2002.
However, visits should b made very sparingly and with due observance of
instructions already in force.
8. A register of scrutiny of assessment (in the form at Annexure - 3 of this
Circular) should be maintained in the Range Officer. The entries about the month
or quarter to which the return pertains and the date of its receipt should be
made immediately on the receipt of the return and the relevant columns for
scrutiny should be filled up promptly after each stage of scrutiny. The
concerned Deputy / Assistant Commissioner should ensure that the said register
is regularly maintained and the scrutiny is carried out without delay.
9. A monthly report shall be submitted by each Range Superintendent to the
jurisdictional Assistant / Deputy Commissioner of the division about the number
of returns received and scrutinized in the proforma at Annexure - 4 of the
Circular. The report should be submitted so as to reach the Assistant/Deputy
Commissioner latest by the 15th of the month.
10. Every six months, the Deputy/Assistant Commissioner in charge of the
Division will scrutinize the returns of units paying annual PLA revenue of Rs.
crores to 5 crores. Wherever necessary he shall requisition the connected
documents including invoices and the records and scrutinize the correctness of
assessment. A report of the number of returns scrutinized along with his
comments shall be sent to the Commissioner latest by 15th of the month following
the month of such scrutiny.
11. Similarly, even six months, the Additional / Joint Commissioner in charge of
the Division will scrutinize the returns of units paying annual PLA revenue of
more than Rs. 5 crores. Wherever necessary he shall requisition the connected
documents including invoices and the records and scrutinize the correctness of
assessment. A report of the number of returns scrutinized along with his
comments shall be sent to the Commissioner latest by 15th of the month of such
12. In case where the scrutiny doe snot reveal satisfactory reasons for the
abnormal trends noticed in respect of a return, a reference may be made to the
Internal Audit Branch of the Commissionerate giving details of the abnormal
trends and the findings of the scrutiny. Also in cases where the returns of the
same assessees repeatedly shows abnormal trends a reference may be made to the
Internal Audit Branch giving the details of abnormal trends.
F. No. 224/1/2005-CX-6
(Ashok Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Check list for preliminary scrutiny of ER1/ER3
returns for the period
1. Registration No.
2. Name of the assessee
3. Whether the registration number and the name of the assessee match according
to the records available in the Range ? : Yes/No
4. Whether all the relevant columns in the returns have been duly filled up ? :
5. Whether all the CETSH Nos. mentioned in the return are, prima-facie, valid
i.e. they exist in the First Schedule? : Yes/No
6. Whether the rate(s) of duty are, prima-facie, correct with reference to the 8
digit classification (s) and description of goods provided in the return? :
7. In case any of the products appearing in the return attracted different rates
of duty within the same month, whether such details have been separately
mentioned? : Yes/No
8. Whether the Notification no. (s) and date(s) as well as their S. Nos. shown
in the return are, prima-facie, correct with reference to the 8 digits
classifications(s) and description(s) of goods shown in the return? : Yes/No
9. Whether there are any conditions prescribed in any of the exemption
notifications claimed by the assessee? If so, are they prima-facie satisfied? :
10. Whether there duties / amounts due and payable have been correctly
calculated with reference to the rate(s) of duty and assessable value(s) shown
in the return? : Yes/No
11. In case the rate of duty is specific, whether the amount of duty payable is
correctly calculated with reference to the quantity of goods cleared and the
applicable rate as shown in the return? : Yes/No
12. Whether the debits made from credit account and current account add up to
the 'total duty paid' as shown in the return?
13. Whether copies of challans through which duty has been paid have been
submitted with the return? : Yes/No
14. Whether the Opening Balance of CENVAT credit indicated in the return tallies
with the Closing Balance indicated in the return for the previous month/Quarter?
: Yes/No
15. Whether the (Opening Balance + Total Credit availed) - (Credit Utilised for
payment of duty on goods + Credit utilised when inputs or capital goods are
removed as such + Credit utilised for payment of duty on services) = Closing
Balance of CENVAT Credit? : Yes/No
16. Whether the total duty payable is more than the total duty paid? If yes,
take necessary action : Yes/No
17. Whether the duty payment was made on the due date? : Yes/No
18. If not, whether interest has been paid for the period of delay? : Yes/No
19. In case the payment was made beyond the period of 30 days whether action
under sub-rule (3A) of Rule 12 has been taken. : Yes/No
20. Provisional Assessment
(i) Is there any matter under provisional assessment? : Yes/No
(ii) If yes, is the provisional assessment covered by bond and security/surety?
: Yes/No
(iii) Whether entry has been made in the Provisional Assessment Management :
(iv) If Bank Guarantee is given for the bond, whether it is valid? : Yes/No
(v) Is the provisional assessment pending beyond 6 months? : Yes/No
(vi) If yes, whether the matter has been brought to the notice of the
Commissioner? : Yes/No
21. Adjudication orders passed with respect to the assessee
(i) Is there any order pertaining to valuation passed by the adjudicating
authority in respect of any product? : Yes/No
(ii) If yes, whether the order is followed? : Yes/No
(iii) If no, the reason for not following the order? : Yes/No
(iv) Is there any order pertaining to classification or applicability of
effective rate passed by the adjudicating authority having effect on the rate of
duty applicable to any product manufactured by the assessee? : Yes/No
(v) If yes, whether the assessment is in accordance with the said order? :
(vi) If no, the reason for deviation : Yes/No
22. Audit Objections:
(i) Is there any objection (IAD or CERA) relating to valuation or classification
or rate of duty having recurring implications? : Yes/No
(ii) If yes, whether protective demands have been issued as per the existing
instruction? : Yes/No
(23). Date of data entry of the return in the computer system
24. Whether appropriate action as been taken in respect of
discrepancies/deficiencies noticed in respect of Sr. Nos. 3 to 22 above. :
Name of the Superintendent
Date :
Annexure 2
Check list for selection of ER1/ER3 returns for detailed scrutiny
1. Registration No.
2. Name of the assessee
3. | Calculate the change in duty paid through PLA over the last return in percentage terms. Is there a decrease of more than 15% | Yes/No |
4. | Calculate the increase in the value of exempted clearances (other than export) over the last return in percentage terms. Is this increase more than 15%? | Yes/No |
5. | Calculate the change in unit assessable value for each CETSH over the last return. Is there a decrease of more than 15%? | Yes/No |
6. | Calculate the increase in value of clearances to EOUs over the last return. Is this increase more than 15% ? | Yes/No |
7. | Calculate the increase in value of clearances of partially exempted goods as a proportion of total value clearances, over the last return. Is this increase more than 15%? | Yes/No |
8. | Calculate the increase in the ratio of CENVAT utilisation to total duty payment over the last return. Is this increase more than 15%? | Yes/No |
9. | Calculate the change in Quantity of goods produced in each CETSH over the last return. Is there a decrease of more than 15% | Yes/No |
10. | Calculate the change in Quantity of gods cleared for Home Consumption for each CETSH over the last return. Is there decrease of more than 15% | Yes/No |
11. | Total number of parameters for which the response is 'Yes' | Yes/No |
Name of the Superintendent
Date :
I. Register of scrutiny and assessment of returns
Financial Year __________________________
Range _______________________ Division _____________________ Commissionerate
II. Authority : Trade Notice __________ based on Board's Circular No.
_______________ issued under F. No. _________ Date ___________.
Name and Signature of Range Superintendent
Sr. No. | Name of the assessee | Page number (s) |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
IV. Page No .________
Name and address of the assessee
Registration No. ________________________________ CETSH
Commodity Description
Month/Quarter | Date of receipt of the return | Provisional of Final Assessment | Amount of duty payable as per the return | Amount of duty debited | Date of scrutiny | Result of scrutiny | Whether selected for second stage scrutiny | |
Cash | CENVAT | |||||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) |
Remarks | Signatures of Screutinising Officer | ||
Range Officer | Division DC/AC | Addl./Joint Commissioner | |
(10) | 11(a) | 11(b) | 11(c) |
Annexure 4
Monthly report on scrutiny of ER1/FR3 returns
Name of the Range ____________________
Report for the month of ________________/YY
Due Date : dd/mm/yy Date of submission : dd/mm/yy
I. Preliminary Scrutiny
Opening Balance of returns pending for preliminary scrutiny | No. of ER1/ER3 returns received during the month | Total No. of returns required to be scrutinized [(1) + (2)] | No. of returns for which preliminary scrutiny completed during the months | No. of returns selected for detailed scrutiny | Closing Blance of returns pending for preliminary scrutiny [(4) - (3)] |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) |
II. Age wise pendency of preliminary scrutiny
Closing Balance of returns pending for preliminary scrutiny | Pending for | ||
Less than I month | 1 month to 3 months | More than 3 months | |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
III. Detailed Scrutiny
Opening Balance of returns pending for detailed scrutiny | No. of fresh ER1/ER3 returns selected during the month | Total no. of returns required to be scrutinized [(1) + (2)] | No. of returns for which preliminary scrutiny completed during the month | Closing Balance of returns pending for detailed scrutiny [(4) - (3)] | No. of returns pending for more than 3 months |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) |
Name of the Superintendent