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Circular No-802/35/2004-CX dated 08.12.2004
Return of deposits made in terms of Section 35F of the Central Excise 1944 and
Section 129E of the Customs Act, 1962.
Reference earlier instructions on the above subject and looking to the
instances arising out of non-implementation of the judicial orders, the Board
has reason to review and reiterate the earlier Circulars on the subject of
non-implementation of orders of CESTAT or any Final Authority in relation to
returning pre-deposits made as per directions of CESTAT or any other Final
Authority in terms of Section 35F of the Central Excise Act, 1944 & Section 129E
of the Customs Act, 1962. The Board has taken a strict view with regard to
non-returning of such deposits.
2. As we are all aware the CESTAT has in a number of such cases awarded interest
on pre-deposits where its orders have not been implemented and the Department
had challenged this and filed Civil Appeals in the Supreme Court.
3. The Board has noted the observations of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in its
order dated 21.9.2004 and has decided that pre-deposits shall be returned within
a period of three months of the disposal of the appeals in the assessee’s favour.
4. Accordingly, the contents of the Circular No. 275/37/2000-CX.8A dated
02.01.2002, as to the modalities for return of the pre-deposits are reiterated.
It is again reiterated that in terms of Hon’ble Supreme Court’s order such
pre-deposit must be returned within 3 months from the date of the order passed
by the Appellate Tribunal/Court or other Final Authority unless there is a stay
on the order of the Final Authority/CESTAT/Court, by a superior Court.
5. Delay beyond this period of three months in such cases will be viewed
adversely and appropriate disciplinary action will be initiated against the
concerned defaulting officers. All concerned are requested to note that default
will entail an interest liability, if such liability accrues by reason of any
orders of the CESTAT/Court, such orders will have to be complied with and it may
be recoverable from the concerned officers.
6. All Commissioners may advise implementation of these instructions and ensure
their implementation through a suitable monitoring mechanism. Field formation
may be suitably informed. Copies of the instruction issued may be endorsed to
this office for information.
7. Commissioners under your jurisdiction should be advised that similar matters
pending in the High Courts must be withdrawn and compliance reported. The board
has also decided to implement the CESTAT Orders already passed for payment of
interest and the interest payable shall be paid forthwith.
8. This issues with the approval of Chairman/Member(L&J), CBEC.
9. Kindly acknowledge receipt.
Yours faithfully,