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Circular No.686/2/2003-CX
2nd January 2003
F. No. 201 /66/2002-CX-6
Government of India
Ministry of Finance & Company Affairs
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs
Subject:- Provisional release of seized goods and execution of B-8 Bond - reg.
I am directed to draw your attention to para 3.2 (Part 1) of Chapter 17 in the Central Excise Manual Supplementary instructions on provisional release of seized goods wherein it has been mentioned that the goods may be released provisionally under bond in the format specified under erstwhile Central Excise Rules, 1944 [B.8 Bond] along with 25% security or surety by the officer normally competent to adjudicate the case. It has been brought to the notice of Board that under the erstwhile rules, bond B-8 was used for due disposal of the goods obtained under concessional rate of duty to be used for special industrial purposes.
2. The matter has been examined. It is seen that B-8 bond has been mentioned inadvertently in the instructions relating to provisional release of seized goods. There has been no change in the format specified under the earlier rules except that the reference to old rules may be changed to new set of rules. Accordingly, it is clarified that old B-11 Bond which was hitherto being used for provisional release of seized goods may be used under the existing instructions also.
3. Trade and field formations may please be informed suitably.
4. Receipt of the same may be acknowledged.
5. Hindi version will follow.