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Circular No.668/59/2002-CX
30th September, 2002
F.No. 201/6/2002-CX.6 (Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs
Subject: - Allotment of 15 digit PAN based Registration Numbers – regarding.
I am directed to refer to Board’s Circular No.662/53/2002-CX dated 17.9.2002 on Central Excise Registration which details the new procedure for Registration providing inter alia for automatic generation of temporary 15-digit Registration Number for the assessees not having PAN. The new temporary number will be automatically generated by the system on 1.10.2002.
2. In this regard, as the new 15-digit PAN based Registration Number including temporary number are required to be mentioned on the duty payment document viz., TR-6, it is necessary that the assessees who have been allotted the 15-digit temporary number must be immediately informed their allotted number. Accordingly, it is desired that the 15-digit temporary Registration Number may be intimated to all such assessees in the first week of October itself so as to enable them to quote correct Registration Number in their TR-6 Challan used for payment of duty for the first fortnight of October, 2002. This measure may be taken up on top priority and all the Chief Commissioners are requested to ensure that the new Registration Number is intimated to all such assessees well in time. Needless to state that the field staff should also be alerted to advise the assessees that unless the new 15-digit Registration Number including temporary number is mentioned in the TR-6 form, the return will not be accepted. However, this should not be insisted upon immediately and would apply for the return filed from November, 2002 onwards.
3. The field formations may suitably be informed.
4. Receipt of this Circular may please be acknowledged.
5. Hindi version will follow.