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Circular No. 595/32/2001-CX
5th November, 2001.
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs
Subject: Central Excise Computerisation –Instructions for discontinuing manual reports – Regarding –
I am directed to draw you attention to the Board’s Circular No. 507/03/2000-CX dated 10th January and Circular No.468/34/99-CX dated 5th July, 1999 on the above subject and to say that that the progress in Central Excise Computerisation has been further reviewed by the Board. There have been considerable progresses in the capturing of profiles (ECC_MAST) and the monthly returns (RT-12/E.R.1) data, including its quality, by the Commissionerates and in sending this data to the Directorate of Systems. However, there are few Commissionerates, which are still lagging behind either in completing the electronic data compilation in time or achieving the desired quality or both.
2. Considering the encouraging progress in compilation of electronic data and the fact that Directorate of Systems has confirmed that this data can be retrieved in desired manner, the Board has decided to start using the electronic data instead of manual data starting from the month of January 2002. In the meanwhile, following plan of action has been drawn to make it sure that the electronic data being compiled by Commissionerates and forwarded to Directorate of Systems are accurate and reliable: -
(1) The data relating to first six months of the current financial year [2001-2002] will be evaluated with reference to manual data to ascertain quality (correctness) of the data by the Directorate of Statistics & Intelligence with the assistance of the Directorate of Systems. (2) Necessary corrective action, wherever necessary, will be taken during November, 2001 to December, 2001 to ensure that the Commissionerates file error-free electronic data.
3. The Directorate of Systems will intimate to the Board by 1st December, 2001 about the results of the evaluation and corrective measures, if any.
4. Accordingly, the monthly telegraphic summary and the data relating to E.R.1 Returns shall ONLY be reported electronically for January, 2002 onwards and the manual data will not be required. In view of complete shift to electronic data instead of manual data, the decision in respect of the following reports relating to data/information for the month of January, 2002 onwards are: -
a) Monthly telegraphic summary through fax message will be replaced by the data to be posted on the web site for CRRS, and b) Manually compiled Budget Head-wise statement will be replaced by electronic compilation of the E.R.1 returns of all assessees to be done within 30 days from the date on which E.R.1s are due to be filed. The data shall be sent to the Directorate of Systems as per instructions issued from time to time.
5. It is further directed that the following reports shall be discontinued with effect from January, 2002: -
(a) Report called for by TRU vide letter F.No.333/2/2000 TRU dated 11.08.2000, (b) Statement showing revenue from top 10 commodities, and (c) Statement showing revenue from top 10 assessees.
6. The Chief Commissioners’ Unit, Commissionerate Headquarters and Directorate of Statistics and Intelligence may also start using the electronic data and reports on SERMON software and do away with manual reports called from the field formations so that the man-hours spent in this work can be saved.
7. It is reiterated that since the Board and other concerned officers would no longer be relying on the manual reports as aforesaid, all the Commissioners shall ensure that the relevant data is captured electronically in the prescribed formats completely and accurately and is transmitted within the stipulated time frame.
8. The field formations may suitably be informed.
9. Hindi version will follow.