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Trade Notice No.31/2000 dated 19.7.2000
Sub : Visits of Central Excise Officers, to factories - instructions regarding.
Attention of the trade is invited to this Commissionerate Trade Notice No. 13/90 dated 19.2.90 regarding visits paid by the Central Excise officers to the factories.
It has been brought to the notice of the Department that the instructions referred, to above are not being rigidly followed. Therefore the matter has been examined and the following instructions, in supersession of the instructions referred to above, are issued for strict compliance by all Central Excise officers visiting the factories and also by the assessees.
(i) All Central Excise licensees should maintain a register in the format enclosed. All Central Excise Officers of the rank of Inspector and Superintendent on their visits to the premises of a licensees have been directed to enter the relevant particulars in the appropriate column of the register. The assessees are, therefore, required to ask the Inspectors and Superintendents Central Excise visiting their factories to make necessary entries in the said register.
(ii) The Central Excise officers visiting any premises of manufacturers, whether licensed or not, for any purpose have been directed to carry identity cards with them and to produce the same to the "representatives of the factories on demand.
The above instructions will apply mutatis mutandis to Registered Dealers.
In case of any problem or any failure on the part of the officers to observe the above instructions, the assessees can directly contact the Public Relations Officers nominated at Commissionerate Headquarters for redressal of grievances as well as for seeking any assistance of any of the divisional Deputy Commissioners or Joint Commissioners / Additional Commissioners .
Name | Designation | Telephone No. |
Shri Anil Taneja | Additional Commissioner | 2081956 |
Shri K.D. Singh | Joint Commissioner | 2016388 |
Shri H.A. Bhat | Joint Commissioner | 2033057 |
Shri M.M. Magotra | Deputy
Commissioner Liason Officer (Public Grievance and facilitation) |
2035465 |
Shri R.S. Naik | Deputy
Commissioner Division A |
3675820 |
Shri U.G. Kulkarni | Deputy
Commissioner Division E |
4920793 |
Shri B.N. Singh | Deputy
Commissioner Division F-I |
4922951 |
Shri R.R. Tiwari | Deputy
Commissioner Division F-II |
4920093 |
All the Trade Association are requested to bring the contents of this Trade Notice to the notice of their member manufacturers in particular and the trade in general.
Prem V.P. Singh
Central Excise : Mumbai : I
F.No.RACM/1/T/2000 (Pt.I)
Mumbai, the July,2000
Excisable items manufactured |
S.No. | Date of Visit | Name(s) of Visitors | Designation(s) | Time of arrival at the factory | Purpose of visit | Time of departure from the factory | Date and signature of the officer | Date & signature of factory representative | Remarks |
1. | 2. | 3. | 4. | 5. | 6. | 7. | 8. | 9. | 10. |