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No 514/10/2000
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise
& Customs
New Delhi,
the 16th February, 2000
Subject: - Excise Audit
Scheme (EA-2000)-further guidelines for Implementation
It is a directed to say that certain views have been expressed by various
Commissionerates regarding implementation of the Excise Audit-2000 (EA-2000).
The initial guidelines are contained in Board’s Circular No. 491/57/99-CX.6
dated 28th of October, 1999. The view of the Commissionerate
are categories as follows:-
Data management for Audit preparations;
Audit Report format;
Total period of the Audit;
Evaluation of the Audit Report
through a scoring system;
System of institutionalised
Availability of computer; and
Audit of units between Rs. 1
crore and Rs. 5 crore revenue.
Assessee Profile (database)
The first view expressed was
that data must be collected by all Commissionerates in a standardised format
so that only absolutely essential information relevant for the conduct
of audit is collected. This standardised collection would also facilitate
maintenance of a computerised database al l over the country. In this connection,
Standardised Format for Assessee’s Profile has been devised to serve as
a standard for collection of data relevant for Excise Audit-2000, which
is enclosed as Annexure-I.
In addition to this, it would
be of advantage to the Department to know certain critical ratios relating
to an assessee’s factory/business from the data available in the Balance
Sheets (Annual Reports) of the assessee/Assessee’s profile/Other Reports
before the audit is contemplated. For example, raw material cost: sale
value, discount; sale, outward freight: sale, power consumption (units):
production quantity, change in profit: assessable value etc.. The officers
of the Audit Wing may be trained to derive these ratios. These ratios,
wherever possible, should be studied at the time of "Desk Review".
The Assessee’s profile and the
ratios will serve as a useful database for the conduct of ‘Desk Review’
which is the first step in the Audit Programme explained in both the Excise
Audit Manual and the Standard Audit Programme. Needless to mention a comprehensive
database would help in proper preparation for conduct of Audit.
Format of Audit Report
The Audit Manual speaks about
completion of an Audit Report (Chapter 8). No format of the Audit Report
has been provided. It is important that the Audit Report findings are standardised.
Keeping in view the need to ensure brevity and objectiveness, a standardised
format has been prepared which is enclosed at Annexure-II. The Audit Report
format particularly focuses on action on old audit points; the summary
of the audit objections along with reasons and important points for future
compliance. This must be prepared after finalisation of the Working Papers.
The Audit Report should also substantiate findings, drawing from material
in the Working Papers. Both these documents should be put in computer.
Timeframe of submitting
Audit Report
Every Audit undertaken must
have a reasonably defined timeframe. This would also help to bring in the
much-needed discipline in the conduct of audit. Keeping in view the fact
that EA-2000 requires more pointed audit of financial records it has been
decided that the total time limit for the conduct of audit and submission
of the audit report should not exceed 20-25 days from the commencement
of the Audit in the Assessee’s unit.
Scoring System for
Monitoring Cell
One of the keys to good audit
is a system of good monitoring and evaluation of audit reports. EA-2000
makes this task easier by prescribing that all audit work must be clearly
documented in the Working Papers. Senior officers at the level of Joint
Commissioner/Additional Commissioner must evaluate these Working Papers.
After due deliberation, a scoring system has been evolved which may be
used to evaluate an audit report which consists of the Working Papers,
the Summary sheet (part of the Working Papers) and the Audit report itself.
The Scoring system which is enclosed as Annexure-III divided the entire
process of Audit into five parts: (I) preparation of the audit plan; (ii)
conduct of audit; (iii) revenue points raised (major objections and their
quality); (iv) realisation of revenue, and (v) issues relating to future
complaince by the company. The scoring system has been devised so as to
give greater emphasis on the conduct of the audit, which is extremely important
in the initial stages of the implemenation of the new Audit system. A greater
responsibility, therefore, rests on the seior officers to duly assess the
reports and bring out the strength and weaknesses of the audit reports.
A quantitive system of measurement would help in steering the audit into
areas, which are the core of the new Audit system. It is however, clarified
that the scoring system is not meant for reprimanding any officer(s) or
fixing any responsibility. It is meant for providing in-built synergic
system so as to correct the weaknesses at the initial stages.
In the Board’s Circular No.
491/57/99-CX.6 dated 28th of October, 1999 it was suggested
at Para 18 that an Excise Audit Monitoring Cell be constituted headed by
the Commissioner. It must be ensured that the Monitoring Cell meets once
a fortnight and also specially examines in the audit report improtant points
raised. Assistant Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner/Joint Commissioner/Additional
Commissioner (Audit) should meet all the Audit Parties at least once in
a month to review their functioning and ensure the exchange of information
among the audit parties.
Monitoring by DG (AE)
To start with, a copy of the
score sheet should be forwarded to DG (AE) as soon as it is ready. A suitable
device will be worked out for seeing the Audit Reports for Rs. 5 crores
and above units; selectively in due course.
Audit Protocol
Audit Protocol is a limited
initiative within the overall EA-2000. Out of the eight corporate with
whom discussions had been held, five, namely, Indian Oil Corporation, Maruti
Udyog Ltd; TISCO, Steel Authority of India Ltd. And Hindustan Lever have
already singed Protocol. MRF has given a letter agreeing to sign the Protocol.
As stated in Chariman’s letter on Audit Protocol, Assistant Director (Cost)
must accompany the audit teams for Protocol audits. In case the Commissionerate
does not have an Assistant Director (Cost), the AD (Cost) from any Commissionerate
within the zone should be a part of the audit team.
Involvement of AD
(Cost) in audit
Normally, for all Rs. 5 crores
and above units, AD (Cost) should, as far as possible, be also involved
in audit.
The success of Ea-2000 is critically
dependent on the requisite training imparted to Auditors. Since in a number
of Commissionerates the Audit teams have not been exposed to any training
on Accountancy, it is necessary, keeping in view the emphasis being placed
on scrutiny of business records, that Commissioners ensure that this training
programme on Accountancy is organised for staff not covered so far. The
faculty may be drawn either from serving officers like AD(Cost). Such training
should have a practical orientation so that the lectures are linked to
practical application which is necessary to sustain interest.
Computer for Audit
It is learnt some of the Commissionerates
have not been able to provide a computer to Audit Branch. This should be
done priority basis.
Field formations may be suitably
informed. Any difficulties noticed in this regard may be brought to the
notice of the Director general (Anti-Evasion) immediately.
Assessee Profiles
for Ea-2000
1. Name of the Assessee :
2. Registration Certificate
No. :
3. New ECC No. :
4. General Details :
No. |
of Goods manufactured |
sub-heading |
Notification availed |
of Duty |
Year |
Ledger Account |
Account |
duty payment |
| RG23C |
Commodity-wise details
Commodity/Year |
Production |
for home consumption
Value |
forgoing duty
Value Qty
Value |
(1) |
(2) |
(4) |
(5B) (5C)
(5D) |
1998-99 |
1998-99 |
1998-99 |
debited in PLA |
debited in RG23A/RG23C
(Total) |
from Modvat account as Percentage of Total duty paid |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
6. Major Input and Output
in the Modvat declaration.
Declaration made under
Rule 57G/in respect of 57A inputs.
Sl.No |
Input |
Product |
Major item/sub-heading declared
as Capital Goods under Rule 57Q.
Major Audit Points:
No. |
Status |
Commodities |
involved |
Issue |
Major Preventive Points:
No. |
Status |
Commodities |
involved |
Issue |
10. Marketing pattern, clearance
pattern etc.
No. |
of Sale/Transfer Etc. |
Yes |
No |
Yes, Description of Products (s) |
!. |
at the factory gate |
2. |
through the depot/distributors/consignment agents/Marketing intermediaries. |
3. |
in retail |
4. |
Sale Price (Maximum)-Section 4A |
5. |
plant transfer |
6. |
Consumption |
7. |
to U.N. and other aided projects |
[These details must tally
with the declaration given by the assessee in the Declaration specified
under sub-rule (3A) of rule 173C of the Central Excise Rules, 1944]
Audit Report Format For
1) Name of the unit :
2) Commissionerate/Division/Range
in which :
it is located
3) Prodcuts manufactured
4) Tariff Item
5) Gist of main exemption
Notification :
6) Date of last audit :
7) Period for which current
audit undertaken :
8) Dated on which audit undertaken
Summary of major audit objections
from the Working Paper:
No. |
of Objection |
implicator,if any |
Agreement Yes/No if no, reasons for disagreement |
conclusions with reasons |
Revenue Law Times
Suggestions for better compliance
including systemic improvements and notifications in the legal arrangements:
Assistant Commissioner/Deputy
Commissioner/Joint Commissioner/Additional Commissioner(Audit)
Scoring system for EA-2000
1) Name of the Unit :
2) Commssionerate/Division
3) Range in which it is located
4) Constitution of the Audit
Party :
(with Names and Designation
of the Officers)
5) Reference
to the Audit Report taken
for this Scoring :
Areas |
(Maximum) |
Working Papers |
Quallity of Audit Plans |
15 |
No. 7 |
Systematic conduct of Audit with a view to taking and integrated ad comprehensive
look at the systems especially those which have a bearing on revenue compliance |
50 |
1to 6 and 8 (within this evalaation of Internal Control could be assigned
20 points) |
points flowing from finalisation of Audit |
15 |
9&10 |
Recovery of Audit Assessments |
10 |
11 |
Suggestion for better compliance including systemic improvements and modifications
in the legal arrangements. |
10 |
12 |
100 |