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It is directed to refer to
Board’s Circular No. 24/91-CX.8, dated the 1st July 1991, issued
from the F.No.267-15-91-CX.8, on the above subject and to say that in the
recent past, a number of references has been received from the Trade as
well as the Ministry of Commerce regarding clarification simplification
on the following issues relating to CT-3 Certificate:
(i) to extend the facility of pre-authenticated CT-3 to STP/EHTP/EPZ units in addition to EOUs.
(iii) To allow the respective Range Officers to authenticate the CT-3 forms in respect of EOUs and STP/EHTP units.
(iv) To
allow procurement of excisable goods under CT-3 forms from manufacturer’s
premises or its bonded warehouses.
(ii) As for the issue of pre-authenticated CT-3 Forms for obtaining capital goods, under the existing Circular, the pre-authenticated CT-3 is issued only for procurement of raw material. With a view to further simplifying the procedures, it has been decided that pre-authenticated CT-3 Form may also be used for procurement of capital goods by EOU/EPZ/STP/EHTP units.
(iii) With regard to request for allowing the Range Officer to authenticate the CT-3, it is noted that many EOU/STP/EHTP units are situated in far-flung areas and it is nor always practicable for these units to get the CT-3 Forms authenticated by the Jurisdictional Asstt. Commissioner. To obviate this difficulty, it has been decided to allow the concerned Range Officer incharge of the EOU/EHTP/STP unit to authenticate the CT-3 Forms. However, in EPZ, CT-3 shall be authenticated by the Asstt. Commissioner in charge of the EPZ or any officer of Customs/Central Excise/ any other officer as may be notified to act as Central Excise Officer under clause (b) of the Section 2 of the Central Excise Act, 1944, read with Rule 4 of the Central Excise Rules, 1944, authorised by him for this purpose.
(iv) As
regards procurement of goods under CT-3 Forms from bonded warehouses, under
Notification 126/94-CE dated 2.9.94 &1/95-CE, dated 4.1.95,the goods
are allowed to be procured either from the factory of manufacture or warehouse.
It is therefore clarified that goods may be procured under CT-3 either
from the manufacturer’s premises or its bonded warehouse.
4. Wide publicity may be given to the above instructions by issue of a Public Notice in this regard.
5. Kindly
acknowledge receipt of this Circular. Difficulties, if any, faced in the
implementation of the above changes,
may be brought to the notice
of the Board at an early date.