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Subject : Website of CDR, CEGAT, New Delhi
The Chief Departmental Representative, Customs, Excise & Gold (Control) Appellate Tribunal, New Delhi have been making substantial efforts and we have not started putting not only the gist of the cases decided in CEGAT in favour of the Department at Delhi, but even at Chennai. Similar entry at Mumbai and Calcutta is also planned in the near future. Those CEGAT orders can be easily seen on their computers by all the Commissioners once hey see the CDR's Website pages. The CDR has also since started putting the gist of the appeals / stays from April, 1999 onwards. Member (AS/L&J) have already advised CDR to modify the format further so that the amount of revenue involved in each appeal is incorporated, and further whenever a stay order passed in brief, particularly to the amount required to be deposited.
Accordingly, all the Chief Commissioners are requested to make use of Website created by CDR and also to impress upon all the Commissioners of Customs/Central Excise to use the information which is now being put up regularly on the Website so that there is no need to keep them informed by sending copies of the Gist of the Judgement.