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References have been received by the Board in regard to the procedure to be followed for movement of inputs/ semi processed goods for job work after insertion of Rule 57F(3A). The points raised and the clarifications there of are as follows-
Point No. 1
(i) The Challans prescribed under Annexure II to the said circular, shall be modified in accordance with Challan specified in Annexure to Notification No. 28/96-CE(NT) dated 31/8/96.
(ii) The proforma of the Register maintained by the parent factory as prescribed under Annexure-IV to the above stated circular should be substituted by the revised proforma attached herewith.
(iii) The manufacturer should debit the amount before removal of the inputs/ semi processed inputs to job work and take the recredit after the inputs or partially processed inputs as the case may be have been revived back in full.
The first processor will return as usual the duplicate copy of the challan Annexure II of Board's Circular dated 4th May, 1994 as modified in accordance with Notification 28/96-CE(NT) to the parent factory form whom the goods were received for processing after he has sent the goods to another processor for further processing. The manufacturer, however, will not take any credit no the basis of this challan till the second processor returns the goods after finishing the job under the cover of his challan (in the format as prescribed in Annexure III to the Board's Circular dated 4th May, 94) filling in part II of the said Challan. On receipt of the processed goods in the factory and the duplicate copy of the challan in Annexure III, the parent factory will co-relate the duplicate copy of the challan received back from the first processor with the duplicate copy of the challan received from the final processor. He would also duly fill in Part III of the modified version of challan Annexure II of Board's Circular dated 4th May, 1994 and take recredit of the amount debited earlier.
3. Separate stock register should be maintained by the manufacturer in revised Annexure IV attached herewith and by the job worker in Annexure V (Annexure V of Board Circular date 4th May, 1994) for the movement of goods under Rule 57F(3)/ Notification 214/86 and or Rule 57J. However, it is clarified, that any particular column(s) which is / are not applicable to any type of movement, the same may be omitted.
However, the serial number of the columns shall not be changed. For example, where Sl. No. 10, 11, 12 are not applicable after Sl. No. 9, the next should be Sl. No. 13 of the columns.
4. Board vide its telex No. 206/1/96-CX.6(Pt) dated 11.10.1996 had informed that separate statement for removal under Rule 57F (3A) is being prescribed. In this regard, monthly abstract of the stock Register of goods sent for processing/ job working maintained under Annexure IV should be submitted in respect of the movement under Rule 57F(3)/ Notification 214/86 Rule 57J before or by 10th of the succeeding month. SSI units should however submit the abstract on quarterly basis.
5. Challans generated on Computed should be kept in bound form at end of the month.
6. Board in Annexure B-2 of Circular No. 33/33/94-CX.8 dated 4th May, 1994 has prescribed a monthly statement to be submitted by the assessee maintaining consolidated RG Part-II Register for inputs used in the manufacture of exempted and dutiable final products. This proforma of this statement was modified vide Circular No. 232/66/96-CX dated 25th July, 96. This statement is being dispensed with as the particulars of reversal will be reflected in revised proforma of RT-12 return and PLA and RG 23A Accounts.
Date of Issue
Description of goods (inputs) semi- processed inputs | Tariff classification
Quantity removed Weight/ numbers/ pieces/ units | Identification marks, if
Premises/ factory to which removed | Challan No. & date
Nature of processing required | Declared value of inputs cleared | Rate and Amount of credit reversed |
Sl. No. & date of Dedit
entry in PLA / RG 23 A Part- II
Initials of supplier / manufacturer
Date of receipt of processed
Date of Clearance of processed
inputs from factory of job worker
Quantity of processed / finished goods received/ cleared by job worker Wt./ Length/ pieces/ units |
Particulars of Payment of
duty on shortage/ waste if any or their mode of disposal
Sl. No. and date of entry
in PLA / RG 23A part- II
Initials of manufacturer