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The Public Accounts Committee in its Report (1994-95) 10th Lok Sabha has observed a huge pendency in the area of verification or refund claims, non verification of PLAs and non-reconciliation of receipts by Chief Accounts offices etc.
2. Board has issued issued Circular No. 80/94-CX.8 dated 24.11.94 prescribing specific time-schedule for verification of various items of work. Director General of Inspection has also addressed the matter to all Commissionerates vide his D.O.Letter F.No. 503/31/95 dated 2.2.96 and 14.2.96.
3. From the report received from D.G.I. it is noticed that many Commissionerates are still lagging behind in liquidating the pendencies.
4. Board has taken a serious note of this and hereby directs that pendencies should be liquidated immediately, in any case within a time frame of three months and reported to D.G.I. If necessary, additional staff can be diverted for liquidation of pendencies.
5. Board further entrusts to DGICCE, the monitoring of the pendencies of the above items of work on monthly basis through Monthly Technical Report who will apprise the Board on the progress made in this regard and the remedial measures in respect of Commissionerates having alarming pendencies.
6. Chief Commissioners of Customs & Central Excise shall ensure that the status of pendencies in reported in Monthly Technical Report by the Commissioners falling under their Jurisdiction and necessary measures are taken to reduce the pendencies without any loss of time.