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Board's Circulars/Instructions for Central Excise - 1995
Circular No. | Date | File No. |
Subject |
29/12/95 |
103/1/95-CX.3 |
Coconut Oil packed in small containers |
18/12/95 |
267/49/95-CX.8 |
Modvat credit on invoices issued by consignment agents |
18/12/95 |
209/63/95-CX.6 |
Excise Rebate on Exports of Cotton Madeups by Merchant Exporters |
14/12/95 |
208/32/94-CX.6 (Pt.) |
Provisional release of seized goods by Commissioners |
14/12/95 |
101/20/93-CX.3 |
Call book to check delays |
93/13/93-CX.3 |
Classification -PVC leather cloth or rexine cloth classifiable under 59.03 |
29/11/95 |
209/31/95-DCX.6 |
SSI units with turnover of Rs. 30 lakhs also to follow AR 4 Procedure |
267/127/95-CX-8 |
Modvat Credit - Rule 57G/ T Invoice of different items having different prices - A clarification |
21/11/95 |
55/11/95-CX.I |
Dutiability of texturised and dyed yarn made from duty paid single yarn - Clarification on interpretation of Notif. |
17/11/95 |
Bill of Entry generated on EDI system- Duplicate copy approved as a document for availing of Modvat credit |
390/P/258/95-JC |
Disputes between CBEC and PSUs - Clearance by the Committee on Disputes- Implementation of decision |
209/25/95-CX-VI |
Rebate on Export of goods processed subsequent to clearance from factory |
17/10/95 |
267/94/95-CX-8 |
Duty amount to be rounded of and shown in figures and words |
12/10/95 |
209/47/95-CX.6 |
Modvat Credit - Cash rebate - Revised instructions |
1010/95 |
212/2/95-CX.6 |
Invoice Misuse Prevention |
209/6/95-CX.6 |
Exports and Modvat - Endorsement of AR4/ 4 A after verification of range records |
29/9/95 |
61/4/95-CX.4 |
Advertising sign plates classification |
13/9/95 |
354/13/93-TRU |
Newsprint - No Customs or Excise Duty |
13/9/95 |
267/48/94-CX-8 |
Modvat- Credit of duty paid on glass bottles / crates |
12/9/95 |
332/71/1/95 TRU |
Polyester filament yarn - Exemption from excise duty |
267/110/96-CX.8 |
Modvat to job worker on inputs supplied under instruction of manufacturer |
31/8/95 |
103/1/95-CX.3 |
Coconut Oil Classification |
202/4/95-CX.6 |
Excisable goods export under CE Rules 12, 13, 14 - Delegation of powers |
16/8/95 |
332/78/95-TRU |
Radio immunoassay kits eligible for duty exemption |
14/8/95 |
109/16/93-CX.3 (SC) |
Block board classification |
14/8/96 |
167/18/96-CX.4 |
Photo identity Cards and Holograms classifiable under Chapter 49 |
8/8/95 |
167/42/94-CX.4 |
Football panel kits - Classifiable / excitability under Chapter 95 |
1/8/95 |
390/641/94-JC |
Appeal cases - Monthly statement to be submitted |
21/7/95 |
288/38/95-CX-9 |
Analysis of revenue and MODVAT availment |
18/7/95 |
267/78/95-CX-8 |
Modvat able Invoice - Indenting dealer need not be registered Credit can be allowed on the basis of original invoice where duplicate |
12/7/95 |
6/15/95-CX.1 |
Valuation - SC decision in MRF case to be the basis for decision |
5/7/95 |
357/10/95-TRU |
Polyester filament yarn - Assessment on the basis of Section 4 on Valuation |
4/7/95 |
267/15/95-CX.8 |
Modvat Credit on CG- Verification of Declarations |
267/74/95-CX-8 |
Rule 57 GG - Transfer of goods from one vehicle to another is permissible |
207/5/95-CX.6 |
Bleaching, processing and dyeing units operations - Strict physical control |
267/45/93-CX.8 |
Modvat Credit - Verification of duty paying documents and RG 23A within 3 months |
30/5/95 |
268/29/95-CX-8 |
Interest on delayed refunds- Board's Instructions |
29/5/95 |
209/18/93-CX.6(PT) |
Rebate of Excise on Exports |
25/5/95 |
56/2/95-CX.I |
Zari (immitation or real) to be treated as handicrafts |
22/5/95 |
213/16/95-CX.6 |
SSI units to file declaration in prescribed form |
19/5/95 |
202/6/95-CX.6 |
Cigarettes - Uniform Procedure for maintenance of accounts |
15/5/95 |
341/26/95-TRU |
Excise duty exemption available even if manufactured |
10/5/95 |
202/5/95-CX-6 |
Declaration about axcisable goods |
9/5/95 |
95/11/93 CX.3 |
Copper phthalo cyanine Crude - Clarification |
268/17/95-CX.8 |
Saloon car's use as taxi- Conditions for 7% further exemption from duty |
2/5/95 |
154/15/95 CX.4 |
Plastic grills for aim conditioners classifiable under 84.15 |
267/3195-CX.8 |
Modvat Credit- Return of
Defective goods to
213/32/93-CX.6 |
Unregistered SSI/ Tiny Units - Central Excise Duty Exemption not available for specified period in 1992 |
25/4/95 |
202/1/95-CX.6 |
Price Lists approval for Central Excise |
17/4/95 |
57/1/94-CX.1 |
Dutiability of Car Mattings made from non-woven materials in roll form |
209/6/95-CX.6 |
Certificate for Non- availment of Modvat Credit for Export Consignments |
6/4/95 |
357/2/95-TRU |
Fabrics Woven form Bleached, Dyed Yarn- Dutiability- Regarding |
5/4/95 |
357/1/95-TRU |
Polyester filament yarn - Clarifications on Duty |
4/4/95 |
267/9/95-CX-8 (Pt.II) |
Invoice under Rule 57G- Duplicate copy to be endorsed by CE Supdt. |
B.22/2/95-TRU |
SIS Exemption Scheme- Details for specified period to be furnished by the Deptt. |
28/3/95 |
268/10/95-CX-8 |
Matching of Challans |
21/3/95 |
B.22/1/95-TRU |
Polyester monofilament yarn used in zip fasteners- 20% excise duty |
21/3/95 |
B.18/1/95-TRU |
Paper and paper board- Concessional 15% duty restored |
2/3/95 |
209/6/95-CX-6 |
Reversal of Modvat Credit by Exporters |
2/3/95 |
267/107/94-CX-8 |
Modvat Credit- Registered Dealers Invoices - No Reversal of Credit |
209/41/94-CX.6 |
Export-in- Bond of Goods manufactured by Job worker- Two bonds to be executed |
209/4/95-CX.6 |
Export- in -Bond - Packing material used for packing export goods in not liable to duty |
22/2/95 |
267/9/93-CX-8 |
Modvat Credit- Invoice under Rule 57G |
22/2/95 |
267/9/95-CX.8 |
Modvat Credit- Invoice under Rule 57G |
22/2/95 |
216/1/95-CX.6 |
Budget 1995-96- Central Excise Procedural Restrictions |
22/2/95 |
267/14/95-CX-8 |
Fraudulent availment of Modvat Credit - Preventive measures |
100/11/95 | 20/2/95 | 282/10/93-CX-9 |
Regional Advisory Committees Reconstitution - New Guidelines |
99/10/95 | 20/2/95 | 219/2/95-CX.6 |
Awards disbursement within three months of sanction |
98/9/95 | 20/2/95 | 209/5/95-C.6 |
Advance Licence- No delay in clearance of AR4 Forms 98 |
97/8/95 | 13/2/95 | 58/1/95-CX.I |
Tajima embroidery machine |
96/7/95 |
Modvat Availment Procedure Simplified Further - No separate registration of different godown - No ownership of godown - separate invoice book for each registration - Split facility of an imported consignment- Diversion of consignment to another buyer- Transit sale facilitated |
54/2/95-CX.1 |
Applicability of Board's order No. 28/4/94-CX. to the case pertaining to the period prior o 1.3.94 |
32/1/95 | 239/20/94-CX.4
Conversion cast iron granules/ cast iron turnings and boring into cast iron powder amounts to manufacture for the purpose of Section 2(f) of CE & S A, 1944- Duty leviable |
93/4/95 | 18/1/95 | 167/25/94-CX.4 |
TV Sets exported - No additional excise duty leviable |
92/3/95 | 17/1/95 | 156/17/94-CX.4 |
Three Wheeled auto rickshaw for transport of goods- Excise Concession under Notif. No. 162/68-CE is admissible |
208/46/94-CX.6 |
No Duty is leviable on material arising out at garnetting or carding of waste materials |
267/116/94-CX-8 |
Modvat credit on goods lying in stock between 1/4/95 and under Rule 57H on invoices issued upto 31/12/94 |