Circular  No.3/2004-Customs dated 12.1.2004 

Revised  All Industry Rates of Duty  Drawback, 2003-2004 in respect of  Knitwears and  Knitted  Garments–- regarding.


            Attention  is invited  to  SS Nos. 61.01, 61.02, 61.03,61.05, 61.07, 61.09 of  the  Duty  Drawback  Table, 2003-2004.  In  the wake  of  representations  from  Tirupur Exporters Association, Apparel  Export  Promotion  Council  and  also  from the Ministry of  Textiles,  Government  had  revised  the  duty  drawback  rates  in respect of  knitwares/knitted  garments covered  by  these  SS  Nos. through  Notification No.77/2003-Customs(N.T.), dated  18.9.2003. 


2.         Trade and Ministry  of   Textiles  have brought  to the  notice of  the  Board  that  in  many  field formations ,  the  enhanced  drawback rates  are  being  permitted  from 18.9.2003 and  not  with  effect  from 7.4.2003.  Also, in  many  formations, the  EDI  Directories  have  not  been  updated  thereby  compelling  the  exporters  to file supplementary  drawback  claims.  It has been represented that such a procedure is leading to delays. This matter was again taken up by a number of exporters during the interactive session held on 24.12.2003 with the Hon’ble Minister of Commerce, at New Delhi.


3.         It  is, therefore, requested that the grievances of the exporters on this account may be redressed urgently and necessary instructions issued to the field formations under your charge.



                                                                                                  Yours faithfully,



                                                                                                 (S.S.  Renjhen)

                                                     Joint Secretary to the Government of India
