Customs Circular NO. 63/2003 DATE 21/07/2003
Gambier – Addl. Duty not Leviable on Import Prior to 1/3/03
I am directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to say that
Notification No. 76/86 dated 10.2.86 (Sl. No. 6) has been amended vide
Notification No. 16/2003-CE dt. 1.3.2003 so as to read ‘Katha (Katachu)
excluding Gambier’. A doubt has been raised whether imports of Gambier prior to
1.3.03 will be eligible for benefit of Notification 76/86-CE for CVD purposes.
2. It may be recalled that the CEGAT in case of M/s Continental Corporation
{1994 (71) ELT 54(T)} and in case of M/s General Traders had held that Gambier
and Katha are synonymous. The matter was also discussed in Commissioners’
Conference held at Goa in November, 2002 where it was concluded that since the
Tribunal judgement have not been contested, existing assessment practice to
allow benefit of additional duty to Gambier under Notification No. 76/86-CE may
continue. To safeguard revenue, provisional assessments may be resorted to.
3. The matter has been examined. The Notification No. 16/2003-CE dated 1.3.03
will be effective only prospectively. As CEGAT has held Katha and gambier
extracts synonymous, and as gambier has been specifically excluded only by
amendment Notification 16/2003-CE dated 1.3.03, past assessments will have to be
finalised extending benefit of the notification to gambier. The pending
provisional assessments may be finalised accordingly.
4. With effect from 1.3.2003 the benefit of the notification will not be
available to "gambier" as it stands specifically excluded.
5. This may be brought to notice of all concerned by way of issue of Public
Notices immediately.
6. Please acknowledge receipt of this circular.
(H.K. Sharma)
Senior Technical Officer (TU)
F. No. 528/150/1997-Cus. (TU)