Customs Circular No. 41 /2003 dated 14.5.2003
Sub:- Administrative Control over Export Oriented Units (EOUs)/Special Economic
Zones– Instructions Reg.
I am directed to invite your kind attention to Board’s Circular No. 31/2003-Customs, dated 7-4-2003 on the above subject and to say that it has been brought to the notice of the Board that EOUs situated in Andamans & Nicober Islands (A & N islands) are facing difficulties in their day-to-day functioning as presently the EOUs in A &N islands are being administered by Customs staff from Kolkata Customs House. The existing arrangements are resulting in delay in getting requisite permissions, exports and imports of goods, etc. as well as in increased transaction cost to the units.
3. The matter has been considered by the Board and keeping in view the administrative convenience of the units and as a measure of trade facilitation, it has been decided that the EOUs situated at A & N Islands shall be under the administrative control of jurisdictional Commissioner of Central Excise and all work relating to such EOUs shall be handled only by Central Excise staff posted at Andamans & Nicobar Islands.
4. Board’s Circular No. 31/2003-Customs, dated 7-4-2003, stands modified to the above extent.
5. Difficulty, if any, faced in implementation of the above said instruction, may please be brought to the notice of the Board at the earliest.
6. Wide publicity may please be given to the above said instruction by way of issuance of public notice.
7. Please acknowledge receipt.
8. Hindi version follows.
C.P. Goyal
Sr. Technical Officer (FTT)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs