Circular No. 985/09/2014-CX
F. No. 206/03/2014-CX.6
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs
New Delhi, dated the 22rd Sept. 2014
The Chief Commissioners of Central Excise and Service Tax (ALL),
The Director General of Service Tax,
The Director General of Audit,
The Director General of Central Excise Intelligence,
The Commissioners of Service Tax (ALL).
Subject – Guidelines regarding Structure, Administrative set up and Functions
of Audit Commissionerates - reg
On implementation of cadre review there would be 23 Central Excise Zones and 4
Service Tax Zones with each zone having one or more Audit Commissionerates. Each
Audit Commissionerate would cover assessees registered under the jurisdiction of
3 to 5 Executive Commissionerates. Principal Chief Commissioner and Chief
Commissioner shall assign the jurisdiction of Audit Commissioner in the zone,
decide the location of Audit Commissionerates and its subordinate offices.
Following guidelines may be followed while finalizing the location and
organizational structure of Audit Commissionerate and its subordinate offices,
subject to deviations needed to cater to the local requirements.
Location of Audit Commissionerate:
2.1 The headquarters and the subordinate
offices of the Audit Commissionerates could be co-located in metropolitan city
based zones.
2.2 In non-metropolitan city based zones, Executive
Commissionerates are spread over different cities therefore the headquarters of
the Audit Commissionerates may be located in the city where zonal office is
located, and at least one of the Circles (subordinate office explained later)
may be located in the city where Executive Commissionerates are located.
2.3 In cases where there is more than one Audit
Commissionerate in the Zone, the location of the second or third Audit
Commissionerate and its subordinate offices may be decided based on the
geographical concentration of the taxpayers. However, the Headquarters of the
Audit Commissionerate may be in the city where the Executive Commissionerate is
located. This is to ensure that audit officers work in close coordination with
the Executive Commissionerates and are accessible to the assessees.
2.4 LTU Audit - Two LTU Audit Commissionerates have been
created. LTU Audit Commissionerate at Delhi shall have jurisdiction over
assessees registered with LTU Delhi, Kolkata or Bangalore whereas LTU Audit
Commissionerate at Mumbai shall have jurisdiction over the assessees registered
with LTU Mumbai or Chennai. The assigning of audit to the subordinate offices of
these Commissionerates may be carried out taking into account the location of
cluster of assesses. While assigning assessees to the subordinate office,
assessees with same PAN number should be assigned to one subordinate officer.
Configuration of Audit Commissionerate:
3.1 Audit Commissionerate would comprise of a
Headquarters similar to an Executive Commissionerate and subordinate offices
proposed to be called Circles similar to a Divisions. The Circles would be
headed by a Deputy or Assistant Commissioner. The Circles would comprise of
Audit Groups equivalent to the Range offices which would have Superintendents
and Inspectors.
3.2 Audit Commissioner would be Head of the Department
and the headquarters would have two Additional or Joint Commissioners, who are
in turn would be supported by two Deputy or Assistant Commissioners each.
3.3 The proposed sections in the Headquarters are:
i. Planning and coordination section to look after scheduling and support in conduct of MCM meeting, maintenance and updationof Assessee Master File, maintenance of Records/Registers and submission of reports to look after formation / constitution of audit groups and deployment of officers matching skills with audit requirement, maintenance of database of officer’s profile, training needs of officers.
ii. Administration, Personnel & Vigilance section to look after administrative matters, transfer, leave, allowances, budgetary grants, vigilance matters etc.
iii. Technical section to look after draft Show Cause Notices, audit follow up, court cases, Board’s circulars, instructions etc.
iv. Risk Management and Quality Assurance section to look after risk based selection of units, use of Third Party Source of Information, maintenance of Audit database of units to be audited, selecting themes/issues for audit, performance appraisal and Quality Assurance
3.4 The aforementioned four sections of
an Audit Commissionerate can be manned by either 3 or 4 Deputy / Assistant
Commissioners in the Headquarters. In case of three Sections in Headquarters,
the Technical and Planning function can merge into one. The other Deputy /
Assistant Commissioners would be in charge of Circles. Each Audit
Commissionerate may have 6 to 7 Circles under its jurisdiction.
3.5 The Circles would be assigned the geographical
jurisdiction of either an entire Commissionerate or some Divisions of an
Executive Commissionerate.
3.6 Division of the jurisdiction of an Executive
Commissionerate between two Audit Commissionerates / Audit circles should be
3.7 In addition to geographically defined Circles, the
Audit Commissionerates may have functionally oriented Circles for conducting
Theme/Issue based audit (for example Insurance, telecom, Banking services or
specific commodities etc) and its territorial jurisdiction should cover the
jurisdiction of the entire Audit Commissionerate.
Staffing norms:
4.1 Headquarters shall be manned by one
Commissioner, two Additional or Joint Commissioners and three or four Deputy
4.2 Each Audit Circle shall be headed by Deputy or
Assistant Commissioner and will also comprise of Audit Groups. The Audit Groups
deployed for large units should comprise of 2-3 Superintendents and 4-6
Inspectors. For Medium units the Audit Group should include 1 - 2
Superintendents and 2 - 4 Inspectors. For Small units the Audit Group should
include, 1 Superintendent and 1 - 2 Inspectors.
4.3 Groups for Large units, Medium units and Small units
should be in such number that the following distribution of manpower
deploymentin audit groups is achieved.
a. 50% of manpower to Large units
b. 30% of manpower to Medium units
c. 10 % of manpower to Small units
d. 10% of manpower for planning, coordination and follow up.
Functions of Audit Commissionerate
5.1 Monitoring Committee Meeting (MCM) should be
convened by Audit Commissionerate, for which the Executive Commissioner or his
representative will be invited to attend. The decision with regard to settlement
of an audit objections after recovery of all dues or dropping of the
unsustainable audit objections shall vest with the Audit Commissioner. Approved
audit objections including those in which show cause notices are proposed to be
issued should be conveyed to the Executive Commissioner in the form of Minutes
of the MCMs, who shall respond to these objections conveying his
agreement/disagreement within 15 days of the receipt of the minutes of the MCM.
5.2 On points of difference, further consultations may
be held for a maximum period of 15 days. In case the difference persists, the
final decision to issue show cause notice rests with the Audit Commissioner.
5.3 Audit Commissionerate shall issue the show cause
notice, wherever necessary, after the audit objections are confirmed in the MCMs.
The show cause notice shall be answerable to and adjudicated by the Executive
Commissioner or the subordinate officers of the Executive Commissionerate as per
the adjudication limits prescribed the Board. Audit function will end with the
issuance of show cause notice and further action including adjudication and
follow-up shall be the responsibility of Executive Commissioner.
5.4 Litigation after adjudication proceedings (including
defending the order before the appellate forums-Commissioner
(Appeals)/Tribunals/Courts) shall be the responsibility of Executive
Commissioner. However, Audit Commissionerates shall remain closely associated
and provide inputs wherever required.
5.5 The function of pre-audit/post-audits of refunds,
rebates and brand rate fixation of drawback shall continue with the
jurisdictional Executive Commissionerate.
5.6 CERA audit shall be attended by the Executive
Commissionerate by compiling necessary information and replying to the audit
objections raised by C&AG. Audit Commissioners will have no role either in
compiling / furnishing information to CERA or replying to the C&AG objections.
However, it is desirable that Audit Commissionerate is aware of the objections
raised by C&AG. Therefore, copy of the objections received from CERA and replies
furnished by the Executive Commissioner shall be forwarded to the Audit
Commissionerate by the Executive Commissionerate.
5.7 Anti-evasion functions shall continue with the
Executive Commissionerates. Audit Commissionerates may refer, with the approval
of the MCM, any case arising out of audit where detailed investigation is
necessary to the Executive Commissionerates.
5.8 Special Audit shall be ordered by the Audit
Commissionerates. Section 14A / 14AA of CEA, 1944 and Section 72A of the Finance
Act, 1994 provide for such special audits in the specified circumstances by Cost
Accountants / Chartered Accountants. The Audit Commissioners shall be the
competent authority to order Special Audit, either on their own satisfaction or
on a reference received from the Executive Commissioner.
5.9 Audit should be so conducted that the assessee is
least inconvenienced. Documents as prescribed in the manual should be called and
preparatory work finalized ahead of audit. Audit should be completed
expeditiously and as soon as the Final Audit Report is prepared , it should be
ensured that a copy of the Final Audit Report including ‘ NIL ’ report is
dispatched or provided to the assessee under acknowledgement to be kept in
Assessee Master File.
5.10 Currently, audit is undertaken for each tax
separately even though the business and financial records verified during the
audit remains common for all the three tax administered by the Board . In order
to improve the efficiency of audit process, it has been decided that coordinated
and integrated audit covering two or more taxes for assessees having common PAN
shall be carried out. Necessary legal enablement has been provided in the
notification conferring territorial jurisdiction to the Commissionerates such
that Service Tax Audit Commissionerates can audit Central Excise assessees
within a zone and vice-versa. An assessee who is registered under Central
Excise, Service Tax and Customs need not be subjected to three separate audits.
The information about his various registrations is available and such assessees
would be subjected to a complete audit by the designated Audit Commissionerate.
For this purpose the Principal Chief Commissioner / Chief Commissioner will
assign the audit of an assessee to a particular Audit Commissionerate, based on
payment of Central Excise duty or Service tax whichever is higher. Following the
same principle OSPCA would be also be carried out by the designated Central
Excise or Service Tax Audit Commissionerate, in an integrated manner.
5.11 It is proposed to issue risk based audit norms in
due course of time. In the interim the existing audit norms may be used to
ensure that audit functions continue efficiently.
Transfer policy and capacity building:
6.0 Audit requires specialized skills in accountancy and
handling of financial / SAP or ERP related databases apart from domain knowledge
of Central Excise, Service Tax and Customs law and procedures. The officers need
to gain knowledge of compliance requirements under Income Tax, Companies Act,
VAT laws to do a comprehensive and meaningful audit. The officers who have
gained expertise in this regard are few. DG (Audit) in consultation with NACEN
shall develop appropriate modules for training of officers in audit functions
and inform field on further progress. As it takes time for officers to gain
expertise in audit techniques , appropriate transfer policy to be followed by
Zones shall be prepared by the DG, Audit with due approval of the Board so that
the department can adequately use officers for audit after they have acquired
the necessary skills . Suggested transfer policy shall be circulated by the DG ,
Audit after approval of the Board .
Removal of difficulty -
7.0 Past guidelines and instructions on the subject
stand modified to the extent they are in conflict with these guidelines . If
there is any difficulty in implementing the above guidelines , Principal Chief
Commissioners and Chief Commissioners are authorised to issue appropriate
instructions to be valid for temporary periods to remove difficulty in setting
up and operationalizing Audit Commissionerates . Issues which need to be
addressed in the Board may be forwarded to the Director General of Audit with
suggestions for further examination and seeking approval of the Board where
needed .