Public Notice No.23/2009-2014 (RE- 2010) dated
Subject: Import of Natural Rubber
under the Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) Scheme in the
current financial
year 2010-2011 under Para
2.59 of HBP Vol.I,
In view of Customs Notification No. 128/2010-Customs dated 22.12.2010, to allow import of Natural Rubber under exim codes 4001 21, 4001 22 and 4001 29 at concessional duty in the current financial year 2010-11, it has been decided by Director General of Foreign Trade to invite applications for allocation of the TRQ of Natural Rubber from Actual users as per following details:-
i. Applications for allocation shall be sent only by e-mail at in the proforma at Annexure -1 to this Public Notice.
ii. Applications for allocation of TRQ shall be received from 18.01.2011 (12.00 noon) to 24.01.2011 (till 5.00 pm).
iii. EFC in DGFT will evaluate and allot TRQ to the applicants. The allocation of the TRQ will be based on the Natural Rubber consumption during 2009-10, as certified by Rubber Board.
iv. Allottees of TRQ shall file application in ANF2B alongwith prescribed application fee to concerned Regional Authority of DGFT, who will issue the TRQ authorization as per allocation by EFC.
v. Imports of the allocated TRQ must be completed before 31.3.2011.
(Anup K. Pujari)
Director General of Foreign Trade
(F.No. 01/93/180/M-67/AM04/PC2(B)
Annexure to Public Notice No. 23 (RE-2010)/2009-14 dated 17th January 2011
Subject header of E-mail : IE Code – Name of the Firm/Applicant-Quantity applied for in MT
(Example : “0500030001-ABC Exports - 2,000” : Fill this in the “Subject” field)
Message Body (Content of E-mail)
Line 1 : IE Code (Example : 0500030001)
Line 2 : Name (Example : ABC Exports)
Line 3 : Quantity applied for (In MTs, both in figure and words). (Example 2,000 MT, Two Thousand MT)
Line 4 : ITC(HS) Code (Example : 4001 21)
Line 5 : Blank
Lines 6: Actual user details for Natural Rubber
(Example : Manufacturer of Tyres / Tubes / Erasers)
Line 7 : Quantity of NR consumed in 2009-10 in actual use
(Example : 3000 MT)
Line 8-10 : Any other information that applicant wishes to submit
Line 11 : Name of the Applicant (in whose name IEC has been issued)
(Example : ABC Exports)
Line 12-15 : Exact Postal Address
(Example : D-402, 1st Floor, Karim Nagar, New Delhli 110010)
Line 16 : Phone Number(s) with STD Code (Example : 011-23456789)
Line 17 : Fax Number (Example : 011-233445567)
Line 18 : E-mail (Example :
Line 19 : Alternative E-mail
(Application must be from one of these two E-mails)
Line 20 : Name of the authorized person sending the application
(Example : Ashok Bhalla)
Line 21 : E-mail of the authorized person (Example :
Line 22 : Phone No. of the authorized person (Landline & Cell phone) - India's Premier portal on DGFT, Customs and Central Excise matters