Circular No. 29 /2009-Cus. dated 15.10.2009
Guidelines for compounding of offences under Customs Act, 1962 – regarding.
I am directed to invite your attention to the Board’s Circular No. 54/2005-Cus
dated 30.12.2005 prescribing the Guidelines for compounding of offences for
implementing the provisions of the Customs Act, 1962 and the Customs
(Compounding of offences) Rules, 2005.
2. The High Court of Bombay in their Order dated 25.10.2007 passed in W.P. No.
1884 of 2007 held that there is no power conferred to interfere with the
statutory power of the Chief Commissioner of Customs for compounding of
offences under Section 137(3) of the Customs Act, 1962. Hence, the guidelines
issued by the Board, vide Circular No. 54/2005-Cus dated 30.12.2005,
classifying offences as ‘technical’ and ‘substantive’, allowing substantive
offences to be compounded only once and excluding certain cases from the
purview of the compounding were held by the Court to be ultravires to Customs
Act, 1962 and Rules made thereunder.
3. The matter was examined in the Board for appropriate amendment in the
provisions of the Customs Act, 1962 for compounding of offences. Accordingly,
Section 137(3) of the Customs Act, 1962 was suitably amended through the
Finance (No. 2) Act, 2009 (No. 33 of 2009). Through these amendments, certain
categories of cases have been excluded from the purview of compounding such as
cases pertaining to:
(a) a person who has already been allowed compounding once in respect of any
offence under section 135 and 135A of the Customs Act, 1962
(b) a person who has been accused of committing an offence under Customs Act,
which is also an offence under Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Act, 1985 or Chemical Weapons Convention, Act, 2000 or Arms Act, 1959 or Wild
Life (Protection) Act, 1972
(c) a person involved in smuggling of goods falling under any of the specified
categories of goods such as Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials,
Equipments & Technologies (SCOMET); prohibited items for import or export as
specified under Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation)
Act, 1992; goods or a document, which are likely to affect friendly relations
with any foreign state or is derogatory to national prestige.
(d) a person who has been allowed to compound once in respect of any offence
under the Chapter XVI of the Customs Act, 1962 for goods of value exceeding
rupees one crore.
(e) a person who has been convicted under the Customs Act, 1962 on or after
the 30th Day of December, 2005.
4. The Board had also issued a Circular No.20/2008-Customs dated 2.12.2008
highlighting the changes made in the scheme of Customs (Compounding of
Offences) Rules, 2005 based on the recommendations of the Committee on
Subordinate Legislation (Rajya Sabha). These relate to early disposal of
applications for compounding by obtaining a factual report within the
stipulated period and dispose of the application within the overall time limit
of six months. It was also stated that on the basis of the decision of the
Supreme Court in the case of U.O.I. vs. Anil Chanana (2008 (222) ELT 481 SC)
that compounding of offences is undertaken based on the principle of
Disclosure. The basic rule of disclosure, underlying Section 137(3) read with
Rule 6 of the Customs (Compounding of Offences) Rules, 2005, is that if there
are demonstrable contradictions or inconsistencies or incompleteness in the
case of the applicant, then the application for compounding cannot be
entertained. It is reiterated that the aforesaid decision of the Supreme Court
and rule of disclosure shall be followed while considering the compounding of
offences. Accordingly, compounding of offences may not be allowed where there
are demonstrable contradictions, inconsistencies or incompleteness in the
5. Further, at the time of introduction of the Scheme of Customs Compounding
of Offences, the salient features of the provisions were explained in the
Board’s circular. The following are the important points and are reiterated:
(i) Offence committed by officers of Customs/ Central excise does not merit
compounding as it is a matter between the State and its employee. Accordingly
the definition of the applicant excludes the departmental officers.
(ii) As the Chief Commissioner has to decide about the eligibility of the
applicant and allow compounding in respect of an application filed before him
on the basis of certain facts given by the applicant, it may be ensured that
verification of such facts is done by calling for a report or any other facts
or information available on record from the reporting authority.
(iii) As per Rule 6 of the Customs (Compounding of Offences) Rules, 2005, any
person who has made the application for compounding of offence and has made
full and true disclosure of facts relating to the case, is given immunity from
prosecution for any offence under the Customs Act, 1962 with respect to the
case covered by the compounding of offence. Since the filing of application
under compounding rules is the individual option of the person to avoid
prosecution, other persons involved in the case/ offence and who have not
filed the application would not be given immunity from prosecution. In such
situation, remaining persons would face regular proceedings of the department
for adjudication/ prosecution/ appeal.
(iv) On the basis of the recommendations made by the Committee on Subordinate
Legislation (Rajya Sabha) and to enable the Scheme of Compounding of Offences
to make a meaningful impact, the compounding amount prescribed under Rule 5 of
the said Rules has been revised downwards vide notification
No.118/2008-Customs (NT) dated 12.11.2008. A new proviso has also been
inserted in this rule, which provides that if a person has, in respect of same
goods, committed offences falling under more than one category, i.e., Sl.No.1
to 8 of the table specified in this rule and where amount of duty evasion or
amount of drawback or exemption from duty, or amount of market value of the
goods is same for all such offences, then the compounding amount, in such
cases, shall be the amount determined for the offence for which a higher
compounding amount has been prescribed.
(v) In terms of Rule 4, an applicant is required to pay duty, penalty, and
interest before submission of an application for compounding of offences.
Correspondingly, the Application Form also contains a specific column under
Sl.No.12A requiring the applicant to declare whether he has paid the same and
their details. Hence, it is clarified that the compounding of offences shall
not be allowed unless the aforesaid duty, penalty and interest thereon are
paid by the applicant.
6. In order to make best of use of the scheme of compounding of offences, it
is reiterated that at the time of intimation/ initiating action for launching
of prosecution itself, the assessees should be given an offer of compounding.
It may, however, be clarified that the application for compounding shall be
decided on merits and in exercise of the powers vested with the Chief
Commissioner. In respect of cases where the Chief Commissioner is not inclined
to accede to the applicant’s request for compounding, the same may be rejected
duly informing the grounds and after following the principles of natural
7. The above instructions may be taken into consideration by the Compounding
Authorities while examining the applications for compounding.
8. This Circular supersedes Board’s Circular No. 54/2005 dated 30.12.2005.
9. These instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned by way of
issuance of suitable Public Notice / Standing Order.
10. Difficulties, if any, in implementation of the Circular may be brought
immediately to the notice of the Board.
F. No.450/139/2008-Cus.IV (Pt.)
Yours sincerely,
(Navraj Goyal)
Under Secretary (Customs Policy) - India's Premier portal on DGFT, Customs and Central Excise matters