Circular No.14/2009-Customs dated
Subject: Implementation of Phytosanitary requirements in import or export of
goods - regarding.
As you are aware, the sanitary (relating to food safety)
and phytosanitary (animal and plant health) measures are enforced in the course
of international trade by various countries to prevent the spread and
introduction of any pests of plants, plant products or insect, fungus and for
protection of human, animal or plant life or health. In this regard, your
attention is invited to the Board’s Circular No.39/2004-Customs dated 3.6.2004
and Board’s instructions of even number dated 2.4.2009, wherein Customs officers
have been instructed to release the goods imported in wood packaging material,
only in cases where the wood packaging material are appropriately treated as per
international standards (ISPM-15) or is accompanied by a phytosanitary
certification with the treatment endorsed.
2. In the international trade, every consignment
accompanied with solid wood packaging materials (SWPM) needs to be treated and
marked in accordance with the provisions of International Standards for
Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM) No.15. In case of non-compliance of the ISPM-15,
the importing countries issue notices to the National Plant Protection
Organisation of the exporting country for non-compliance, and initiate necessary
action against the exporter. Of late, the Government of India had received a
number of non-compliance notifications from various countries particularly
European Union countries regarding violation of ISPM-15 standards, in respect of
goods exported from India. Most of these cases relate to non-treatment of wood
packaging material or no treatment mark on wood packaging material used in
packaging of goods exported from India. Exports to most countries including
Canada, USA, Australia, Japan etc. require that all wood packaging materials
used in packaging of export consignments are required to be rendered free from
all pests either by heat treatment or by fumigation with Methyl Bromide by the
treatment providers recognized by the Directorate of Plant Protection,
Quarantine & Storage (DPPQ&S) under the Department of Agriculture and
Cooperation (DAC). The list of such accredited fumigation agencies for Methyl
Bromide Fumigation and certified Heat Treatment Facilities for wood packaging
material as per ISPM-15, can be accessed at the DAC’s website i.e.
Detailed information on plant quarantine activities may also be accessed from
the official website of DPPQ&S at
3. In view of the above, I am directed to say that all
the Customs field formations should verify whether the export goods packed with
raw or solid wood packaging material comply with the ISPM No. 15 or are
accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate with the treatment endorsed issued by
the agencies which are accredited / certified by DAC. In case of non-compliance,
the matter may be referred to the Plant Quarantine authorities for proper
treatment of export goods before their release.
4. Similarly, in respect of import consignments, it is
reiterated that the provisions of sub-clause 20A prescribing compliance of
ISPM-15 standards by wood packaging material may be enforced in terms of Plant
Quarantine (Regulation of import into India) Order, 2003. Consignments that are
found to be non-compliant or not carrying prescribed treatment mark on the wood
packaging materials shall be referred to the Plant Quarantine Authorities for
proper treatment or destruction or deportation to the country of export. The
details of such non-compliance shall also be informed in the prescribed format
for reporting of non-compliance to the DPPQ&S.
5. The field formations as well as trade and industry may be suitably informed.
Yours faithfully,
(M.M. Parthiban)
Director (Customs) - India's Premier portal on Customs matters