Notification No. 40/2008-CE dated 13.6.2008
Addition in concessional rate of Central Excise duty on specified goods of
Chapter 87
G.S.R. (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by
sub-section (1) of section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944), the
Central Government, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public
interest so to do, hereby makes the following further amendments in the
notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Department
of Revenue), No. 6/2006-Central Excise, dated the 1st March, 2006 which was
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary vide number G.S.R. 96(E) of the
same date, namely:-
In the said notification, in the Table, after S. No. 41 and the entries relating
thereto, the following S. No. and entries shall be inserted, namely:-
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
41A. |
8702, 8703 |
Following motor vehicles, namely :-
(i) Motor vehicles of engine capacity not exceeding 1500 cc; and |
24% |
- |
(ii) Motor vehicles of engine capacity exceeding 1500 cc but not
exceeding 1999 cc; |
24% + Rs.15,000 per unit |
- |
Note: The principal notification No.6/2006-Central Excise dated the 1st March,
2006, was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide number G.S.R.
96(E) of the same date and was last amended vide notification No.
25/2008-Central Excise, dated the 29th April, 2008 which was published in the
Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide number G.S.R.316(E) of the same date.
(F. No. 334/5/2008-TRU)(Unmesh Wagh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India. - India's Premier portal on Central